The Zener School for the Mind

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Saturday, September 27th, 2008
12:24a - Log: Trevor & Mercy
Who: Trevor O'Shea & Mercy Wilde
When: Sept. 26th, Night
Where: Drive-In Theater, Trevor's Van
What: Not really watching a movie, and Trevor admits something.

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12:36a - Thread: Jon & Jarrod
Who: Jonathan McLeod and Jarrod Krippler.
When: September 26. Late evening.
Where: Base; Jon’s Room.
What: Talking about new cars, Transformers walking around and general cuteness.

Welcome to geek central )

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9:21p - Thread: Falkland Twins
Who: Ryder and Ashley Falkland.
When: September 27. Evening.
Where: Their dorm room.
What: Hanging out. And... who knows.

If you stopped moving this would be easier )

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9:47p - Private to project Stargate
Who: Adam Meyers & ANYBODY (somebody have a project or job for Adam?)
When: Saturday September 27th, early evening
Where: Stargate Kitchen
What: Adam actually leaves the solitude of his ‘lair’ to get food.

Food…yum )

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9:59p - Thread: Jayne and Tory
Who: Boys with Girls Names. Er, Jayne and Tory.
When: September 27. Evening.
Where: School; Rec Room.
What: Jayne and Tory meet. And Tory continues his trend of invading the personal space of others and making them uncomfortable. :D

Looking rather focused despite the fact that the screen was blank )

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