The Zener School for the Mind

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Monday, September 29th, 2008
Who: Guinevere and Bruce
When: Saturday, September 27th (BACKDATED!)
Where: Guin and Nova's Dorm room.
What: Making Pest not hyper.

And lucky for both herself and Pest he was leaving Nova's belongings alone. Guin's stuff, on the other hand, was slowly beginning to represent a disaster area. )

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11:51a - Thread: Cree & Dr. Bishop
Who: Cree Slavin and Dr. Bishop.
When: September 29. Early afternoon.
Where: Stargate; Medlab.
What: The doctor decides to hypnotise Cree. Which allows 'Ethan' to come to the forefront.

You are getting sleeeeeepy )

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2:48p - Narrative
Who: Clark
When: September 29. Evening.
Where: Walking around
What: Fretting.

He needed to start collecting newspapers, water bottles. )

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Who: SeanPaul Harper and Isaiah Deaver
When: Monday. Lunchtime
Where: Benches outside the cafeteria.
What: Conspiracy theories of the CW variety.

You dance with the devil, the devil don't change. The devil changes you. )

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Who: Clair Montgomery-Andrews and OPEN
When: Monday after school
Where: Hallway, boy's dorm
What: Clair goes to deliver muffins and gets side tracked.

Random, random, random. )

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Who: Jayne & Mr. Crawford
Where: outside
When: afternoon
What: Quinn has sidewalk chalk, Jayne has energy. This is a potentially dangerous combination.

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign... )

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