The Zener School for the Mind

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Sunday, September 14th, 2008
12:18p - Log: Isaak and Coin
Who: Isaak Hudson and Coin Martin.
When: September 13 (Backdated to last night). Evening.
Where: Stargate base; Garage.
What: Coin is trying to figure out his bike. Isaak likes to rib him. And shows him something.

Do you have another bike? )

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Who ? O and Mr. Smith
Where ? Mr. Smith's Office
When ? Sunday
What ? Afternoon Delight

Namida no mukougawa de Hohoemu hito ga iru wa )

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9:31p - Thread: Trev & Open
Who: Trevor O'Shea & Open to Any
When: September 14th, Evening/Night-ish
Where: Rec room
What: Playing Spore and goofing off

Making the creatures was probably the best part of the game. )

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Who: Aries & Coin
When: September 14, Around 12:30 am
Where: Stargate hallway
What: Aries is Drunk and wants to walk, and Coin doesn't want him to fall over. Hurray!

Shhh door! )

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10:53p - Thread: Eddie & Gav
Who: Gav Reyes and Eddie Flynn.
When: September 14. Evening.
Where: Their dorm room.
What: Roommates hanging out and talking.

One and a half weeks of school down. Only... a lot left to go )

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