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Saturday, September 13th, 2008
1:25a - Delivery for Kirsten

current mood: accomplished

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Who ? Eddie and Noel
When ? Saturday
Where ? Noel's room
What ? Cuddling! No, just kidding. Book exchange.

At worst I feel bad for a while, but then I just smile I go ahead and smile )

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Who: Kiku Miyagi and Charles Brandon
When: Friday after school.
Where: Kiku's room and then to town.
What: Second date!

What did it mean when he was sitting outside some girl's room waiting for her to get back. )

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1:00p - Project Stargate → Thread → Benito & Lex
Who: Grier-Benito and Lex Sawyer
When: Sat. 13th September, afternoon.
Where: Project Stargate
What: Trickster

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1:25p - Emily > Any
Who: Emily Bell. Anyone.
When: Sat. 13th Sept. Afternoon.
Where: Cafeteria.
What: Glitch.
repeat )

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5:35p - Thread: Sage and Open
Who: Sage Bennedict and Any
When: Early Saturday Morning
Where: Zener Library
What: Sage is actually doing something constructive.

Research )

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6:06p - Thread: Maddison and Open
Who: Maddison Locke and Open!
When: Saturday morning, 10a.m. ish
Where: Stargate Base shooting range
What: Maddison is trying a new form of stress relief

Shooting things is supposed to be fun? )

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Who: Isaiah Deaver and Open
When: Late late Friday night. 1-2 am ish
Where: Rec room.
What: Isaiah is sleeping in the rec room. People are welcomed to come and disturb him.

Snore. Snore. Toss and turn. )

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Who: Justin Montgomery-Andrews and Brendan Colcord
When: Saturday Morning.
Where: Outside Brendan's room.
What: Justin goes to vist Brendan since he hasn't done so in...well..a while.

He hoped he got the room number right. )

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