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Monday, September 15th, 2008
9:45a - Thread > RJ & Accidents. Any.
Who: RJ & Anyone(s)
When: Sep 15th. 10am.
Where: Cafeteria
What: Lots of pancakes

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12:43p - Thread: Roxy <3s $
Who: Roxy Smith & Anyone
When: Sep 15th. Late Afternoon.
Where: Outside
What: $
dirty )

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1:36p - Thread: Aurora & anyone, Kim?
Who: Aurora Winters and anyone, Kim Malone?
When: September 15, Afternoon
Where: Stargate Training Room
What: Ror is having a bad day and wants new weapons

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2:10p - Thread: Quinn & Vannie
Who: Quinn Crawford & Vanessa Holmes
When: Sept. 15th, Afternoon
Where: Library
What: Quinn isn't feeling quite himself.

That was the day everything fell apart. )

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2:21p - Thread: Lisa & Any
Who: Lisa Wilson & Any
When: Sept. 15th, Early Afternoon
Where: Teacher's Lounge
What: Taking a break.

She liked to think of herself as the little old woman who lived in a shoe. )

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2:28p - Thread: Cain & Winnie
Who: Cain Barrow & Winnie McClane
When: Sept. 15th, Lunch
Where: Stargate Base, Training Room
What: Talk talk talk.

This is a training room, you know. )

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2:40p - Thread: June & Any
Who: June Marquez & Any
When: Sept. 15th, Afternoon
Where: Stargate Base, Kitchen
What: Checking out food for a party.

Six 'to-go' boxes of black colored Styrofoam sat open with samples of various dishes inside. )

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3:01p - Thread: Maggie & Any
Who: Maggie McArthur & Any
When: Sept. 15th, Late Afternoon
Where: Stargate Base, Shooting Range
What: Practicing.

She was more of a knife girl. )

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8:01p - Thread: Falkland Twins
Who: Ryder and Ashley Falkland (and Mr. Saunders).
When: Monday, Early Evening.
Where: Mr. Saunder’s office.
What: A trip to the principal’s headmaster’s office.

Please, have a seat )

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Who ? O and Open
Where ? Stargate Rec Room
When ? Monday night
What ? killing time

There's no difference in what we're doing in here that doesn't show up as bigger symptoms out there )

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