The Zener School for the Mind

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Monday, August 18th, 2008
Who: Yes Stephens & Open Narrative
When: August 18th, Morning
Where: Poolside
What: Yes can't wait for classes to start so maybe he'll get a break from his workout routine, but until that happens, he hates feeling like a sloth. So! He's out causing waves in the pool.

Stroke, stroke, stroke )

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8:40a - Thread: Andy, anyone(s)!
Who: Andy Freeland, anyone(s)
When: August 18th, Morning
Where: Outside
What: Having a cigarette and thinking

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Who: Jadyn and Isaiah
When: Sunday, a little after eleven
Where: School parking lot and beyond
What: A date and a little suprise.

He didn't actually believe that he was on a date. )

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12:30p - Thread: Dameon & Eddie
Who: Dameon Wilder and Eddie Flynn.
When: August 18. Afternoon.
Where: Eddie’s Room.
What: Braylen might have taken Eddie’s memory of The Incident, but that doesn’t mean its completely gone...

He had, of course, removed the thorns first )

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