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Tuesday, August 19th, 2008
Who ? Eddie, Dameon, Mr. Saunders
Where ? Mr. Saunders' office
When ? Tuesday 8:00 am
What ? Mr. Saunders calls the two boys to his office to discuss the "attack"

if I only knew the answer )

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5:15p - Thread: Maddison and any
Who: Maddison Locke and open
When: 2:50pm, August 19th
Where: Stargate Base
What: Just before training, Maddison is a little nervous

calmness is a good thing )

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Who ? Walter and Dameon
Where ? Their room
What ? Roommate bonding?
When ? Tuesday afternoon

That couldn't have been as poignant as it sounded )

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9:36p - Thread: Mr. Smith & Dr. Bishop
Who: Mr. Smith and Dr. Bishop.
When: August 19. Evening.
Where: Stargate Base. Smith's office.
What: The Top Dogs talk shop.

Enter )

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