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Sunday, August 17th, 2008
12:51a - Log: Jonathan and Jarrod
Who: Jarrod Krippler and Jonathan McLeod.
When: August 15, midmorning (backdated).
Where: Jarrod's room (Stargate base).
What: Movies, booze and back rubs.

See? Zombies fit with any situation. )

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Who: Meredith Korim and Morgan Korim
When: August 17th, morning
Where: Various places
What: Driving Lessons

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7:58a - Thread: (Repost) Nora & anyone
Who: Nora Wall and anyone
When: August 17th, morning
Where: Library at Zener
What: Nora decides to get a head start on English class, and apparently I'm a dope. She's not a Senior.... *grimace* It's mostly the same, just a different book. And yeah. Sorry.

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Who: Jeremy McKay and OPEN
When: Aug 17; Noonish
Where: Zener's Pool
What: Jeremy is trying to move the pool, or parts of it, while swimming.

He doesn't just Walk on Water, He struts )

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5:18p - Thread: Rezner & Open
Who: Rezner Hawk and Open.
When: August 17. Late afternoon.
Where: Stargate Base. Rec Room.
What: Die Hard.

Geronimo, Motherf-er! )

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