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Friday, August 8th, 2008
Who ? Killian and OPEN
Where ? Stairwell in Zener dorms
When ? Friday morning (7-ish)
What ? After a long, all night adventure Killian ends up ...

I believe that lovers should be tied together, Thrown into the ocean in the worst of weather, Left there to drown. )

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8:10a - Thread: Trev, any
Who: Trevor O'Shea, any
When: August 8th, Morning
Where: Outside Trev & Eli's dorm
What: Trev got locked out of his room...all night.

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Who: Bruce Fforde and OPEN
When: August 8. Early morning.
Where: Outside. Where else?
What: Bruce is having breakfast outside. There's nutella and more nutella.

Nutella rocks. )

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Who: Ronald Welsh and Open
When: August 8. Some time after breakfast.
Where: Library.
What: Ronald likes books. So he goes to the library.

He wondered if they had a story about this rabbit. )

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11:03a - Thread: Natalie & Logan
Who: Natalie Davenport & Logan Myles
When: August 8th, Morning
Where: Logan's dorm room
What: Natalie comes to pick up Lady to take her for a walk but...

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1:15p - Thread: Emily & Andy
Who: Emily Bell & Andy Freeland
When: August 8th, Early Afternoon
Where: Outside
What: An "accidental" collision.

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1:24p - Thread: Nora Wall, anyone
Who: Nora Wall & Anyone
When: July 31, afternoon
Where: Pool
What: Cooling off

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4:26p - Thread: Psychic Web
Who: Psychic Web (Roxy, Vaughan, Chase, Charlie and Jenna).
When: August 8.
Where: Back of a moving van going from NY to NH.
What: The web group hitches a ride out of New York and end up in New Hampshire.

Leaving and I'm living in the back of a van )

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Who ? Stanley Bishop, Koty Rayne, and OPEN
Where ? Zener School Grounds
When ? Friday afternoon
What ? Dr. Bishop and Koty go searching for Killian before anyone from Project Stargate realizes he's missing.

we got the handshake under our tongue )

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6:45p - Thread: Koty & Dr. Bishop
Who: Koty Rayne and Dr. Bishop.
When: August 8. Late afternoon.
Where: Stargate Base. Dr. Bishop's office/medlab.
What: Koty did a bad thing and let Killian escape. Time to face the music.

Koty had hoped (against all logic) that Killian would return by the time the night was over )

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8:01p - Narrative: Gavriel Reyes
Who: Gav Reyes (Narrative).
When: August 8.
Where: Hospital, Drug rehabilitation wing.
What: Gav is into his second week of drug rehab.

Gavriel had fallen into a routine at the hospital )

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8:43p - Project Stargate > Pizza
Who: Cole Hallstrom & Stargate Anyone's
When: Dinner, August 8th
Where: Stargate Base. Rec room kitchenette.
What: Pizza

pizza )

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10:04p - Thread: Erina & Drake
Who: Erina Furizawa & Drake Stravos
When: August 8th, Night
Where: Club in Town
What: Drake takes Erina out to her first club

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Who ? Killian and OPEN
Where ? Boy's Bathroom in the Dorms.
When ? Friday afternoon
What ? Killian's zany adventure continues

Whatever you do, don't tell anyone )

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