The Zener School for the Mind

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Saturday, August 9th, 2008
12:17p - Thread: Dameon & Eddie
Who: Dameon Wilder and Eddie Flynn.
When: August 9. Late afternoon.
Where: In the school ---> Possibly beyond.
What: Dameon wants to photograph Eddie.

I have the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor )

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12:59p - Log: Koty & Mr. Smith
Who: Koty Rayne and Mr. Smith.
When: August 9. Mid-afternoon.
Where: Stargate Base: Mr. Smith’s office.
What: Word has gotten out about Killian’s escape. Koty gets the blame.
Warnings: Violence.

I tolerate no excuses )

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1:07p - (Project Stargate) Grier, Betty and the Mall
Who: Irish Grier and Elisabet Rose
When: August 9th, Early Afternoon
Where: The Mall
What: Makeovers and shopping

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1:37p - Thread: Ms. Holmes Faints
Who: Vanessa Holmes & Quinn Crawford
When: August 9th, Morning
Where: Library
What: Where did that come from?!
oh no! )

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5:47p - Thread: Koty & Dr. Bishop
Who: Koty Rayne and Dr. Bishop.
When: August 9. Following this thread.
Where: Stargate base: Medlab.
What: Koty is brought into the medlab beat up and unconscious.

He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood )

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6:28p - Thread: Molly & RJ
Who: Molly Flanagan and RJ Jameson.
When: August 9. Late afternoon.
Where: Outside! The pool.
What: Molly and RJ go swimming because it's hot, yo.

Vacation all I ever wanted )

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Who: Evie Carlisle and OPEN
When: August 9th, Late Afternoon
Where: Zener
What: Arrivals

Arriving at Zener )

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