The Zener School for the Mind

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Thursday, August 7th, 2008
8:44a - Thread: Andy & Emily
Who: Andy Freeland & Emily Bell
When: August 7th, Lunch
Where: Emily's Dorm
What: Andy comes to mooch some slushies

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1:26p - thread: nova, maddox?
Who: Nova Shaughnessy and Maddox Ripley
When: August 8th, Early Afternoon
Where: Zener
What: Bored

(18 comments |comment on this)

3:15p - Thread: Kian & Open
Who: Kian Travers and Open.
When: August 7. Afternoon.
Where: Rec Room.
What: As always, Kian is carefully observing what goes on at the school.

Instead he played nice )

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Who ? Killian and Open (P:S only)
Where ? HQ
When ? Thursday, dusk
What ? Escape?

It's not my problem, but nothing is. )

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