Posts Tagged: 'oliver+queen+%28vigilante_arrow%29'

Nov. 2nd, 2014



They had found a perfect place out in the country, not overly far from the city but far enough out that they wouldn't have all the noise. It was a beautiful place, one they had both fallen in love with almost immediately. They were continuing to work on their marriage and things were looking better for them all the time. They had become closer then ever and Oliver had no doubt they were going to make it through this together and stronger then ever.

They were moving into their little country home today and Oliver was carrying in the heavier stuff. He hefted one of Laurel's bags and winced, raising an eyebrow at how heavy the bag was, "Baby, what did you put in here?" He asked. "Rocks?"

Oct. 30th, 2014



After finding out from Nyssa that Oliver had swore that he would protect Malcolm Merlyn as long as he was in Starling City, Ra's Al Ghul sent a group of assassin's after Oliver, wanting Oliver dead since he swore to protect the man that Ra's wanted dead. And now Oliver was in danger too and had no idea just how much danger he was in.

Life went on in Starling City, Oliver and Roy out on patrol like normal until one night when Oliver had sent Roy back in early, deciding to patrol awhile longer. It was while patroling that he was attacked and outnumbered quickly. He was putting up a good fight but he was tiring quickly and without backup.

He'd taken an arrow to the shoulder already and been stabbed in the stomach but yet he continued fighting.



Oliver was home, having left the League Of Assassins to return home to Starling City after 5 years of everyone he loved thinking he was dead after the Queen's Gambit sank. Sara had joined the assassins too but unlike Oliver she had remained behind with them, having fallen in love with Nyssa Al Ghul, daughter of Ra's Al Ghul.

Oliver wasn't sure where to go first. He wanted to see Laurel, even though he knew Laurel was likely to hate him because he'd cheated on her with Sara. He knew telling Laurel he wasn't with Sara and that he still loved her wouldn't fix things. He'd have to work hard to get another chance with Laurel.

Finally he headed for her apartment, deciding if he was going to let people know he was alive he wanted Laurel to be the first one. Reaching her apartment he knocked on the door, unsure if she was home or not.



He'd done it. He'd broken his vow not to kill anymore and he'd killed Malcolm Merlyn and all he could feel was an overwhelming sense of guilt. He knew Merlyn was a killer, he'd murdered innocent people when he caused the quake in the Glade's, including his own son, but still Oliver couldn't bring himself to feel anything but guilt for killing him. He'd killed his sister's father and if Thea ever found out she would never forgive him.

"Oliver, you alright?" He heard Diggle's voice asking in concern through the comm but instead of answering he shut the comm off, not wanting to talk to anyone, especially John and Roy. He couldn't go back to the lair. Not right now anyway. So he got on his bike and drove, not really sure where he was going until he reached the cemetary and parked his bike, put the kickstand up and then walked to Tommy's grave.

Kneeling down in front of Tommy's grave he began to tell his friend everything, even though he knew Tommy couldn't hear him. "I'm sorry." He whispered, a tear sliding down his cheek, "I broke my vow to not kill anymore."

Oct. 29th, 2014



Oliver was on his way home from the lair after a radio broadcast that said the storm was going to get worse and that anyone who was out needed to get to shelter immediately. Oliver, not wanting to leave Laurel home alone during the bad storm headed home right away, hoping he got there before the storm got any worse. It was already hard to see from the pouring rain but he was determined to make it home.

While he wasn't speeding the roads were covered with water in some spots, meaning there was a risk of flooding in those spots. He'd just begun to believe he was going to make it home without incident since he had made it as far as their block when suddenly he lost control of the car as it hydroplaned and even though he fought to regain control he wasn't quick enough and the car slammed into an electric pole.

Oliver's head hit the steering wheel hard and he groaned in pain, spots swimming before his eyes. He fought to remain conscious as he shoved the door open and got out, heading for the house and leaving the car sit there, knowing there was nothing more he could do until the storm passed. Arriving at the door he fell against it with a loud thud, squeezing his eyes shut against the pain.



It had been about 24 hours since Sara and Nyssa had brought Oliver back to life using the Lazarus Pit and the first moment he got he was leaving them behind and heading to the airport to get a flight back to Starling City, back to Laurel. He couldn't leave Laurel alone. He needed to see her, to be with her, to let her know that he was alive and not dead.

Once landing in Starling City he headed to the lair and dressed in his Arrow suit and then headed to Laurel's, climbing in through the window, only to stare at her passed out on the couch, bottles upon bottles of different kinds of alcoholic drinks laying and sitting around on the floor and coffee table.

Angry now he stormed around the apartment, collecting bottles, tossing out the empty ones and dumping the alcohol out of the partially filled ones and then rinsing the bottles out before throwing them away. Once he finished that task he searched the apartment for any pills, dumping the pills down the toilet, including the ones she had hidden in her purse.

Once he'd gotten rid of them all he laid her phone on the table, went over to where she lay and picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder and headed back outside to his car, putting her into the passenger seat and fastened her in before he went to the driver's side, getting behind the wheel and heading out of the city, planning to take her to a cabin in the woods where they could be alone.

When he got there he carried her in, laying her down on the couch.

Oct. 27th, 2014



Oliver's nerves had been on end the days leading up to the dinner he and Laurel planned together. He couldn't wait. He was looking forward to spending some time alone with Laurel. Especially since they hadn't seen or spoken to one another since he'd told her everything. He knew she'd needed some time to let it all sink in.

He walked up to her door holding some flowers that he'd chosen for her, her favorites, and knocked.

Oct. 26th, 2014



Slade Wilson was alive, showing up in Starling City, determined to make Oliver know what complete and utter despair felt like. Oliver couldn't defeat him with the mirakuru in his body because Slade was stronger then him with superhuman strength. Oliver tried to protect the ones he loved from Slade but it was hard to do. Slade had already killed his mother and told Thea that Malcolm Merlyn was her father.

Oliver had tried turning himself over to Slade and that had been when everything went downhill as Slade had knocked him out, refusing to kill him just yet. Now Oliver was waking up, laying on the ground somewhere though he was disoriented at first as he looked around, trying to figure out where he was.

It was then that he spotted Laurel laying beside him on the ground and his eyes widened as he quickly moved to her side, his hand moving to her neck to feel for a pulse, "Laurel?" He cried, "Baby, can you hear me?" He looked around again and it was then that it hit him. They were on Lian Yu.

Oct. 23rd, 2014



Slade and Shado weren't exactly sure how it had happened or why. One minute Oliver and Slade were standing near Waller, both assigned as her bodyguards and then the next minute Oliver collapsed, falling to the ground, a bullet hole in his chest. Slade heard Shado scream from behind him and the entire place was in instant chaos. Shado joined him to check Oliver, breaking into sobs when she discovered Oliver was dead.

Slade wouldn't leave his body there and they got him out of the chaos and it wasn't long before a League member approached them and they were shocked to discover it was Laurel who they'd all thought was dead. She begged them to help her, told them that she hadn't known it was Oliver until after she pulled the trigger.

That was how they ended up at the pit, lowering Oliver into it and now waiting for him to come back to life, hoping it worked. Slade was ready to give up after a long time and no sign of Oliver coming back when suddenly a loud gasp came from the pit and then coughing, "What the hell is going on?" Oliver asked, slowly pulling himself from the pit.



Oliver sat beside Laurel in the room where the AA meetings were held. His hand held hers, listening to her as she talked, telling the group how something had happened that she couldn't talk about and how she'd thought for sure she'd be tempted to drink and hadn't really been. He was proud of her. So proud. She'd come a long way since her alcoholic days after Tommy's death. He knew he had a lot to do with it, but she had helped herself too. He gave her hand an affectionate and loving squeeze, seeing her eyes suddenly move towards the door and he followed her gaze, seeing her father enter.

He squeezed her hand again as she thanked everyone for letting her share. He knew she hadn't told her dad about Sara's death yet and he knew it was eating at her. He understood she was scared about how her father might deal with it because of his heart problems now and he didn't blame her. He removed his hand from hers only to wrap his arm around her, allowing her to lean into him, "I'm so proud of you." He said in a soft whisper.

He tuned back in as another woman began talking, his attention drawn when she spoke of her husband abusing her and then moved her shirt enough to allow the room to see the mark. Oliver's eyes darkened in anger. He may not know the woman but no woman deserved to be treated like that.

Oct. 22nd, 2014



Oliver was running late and felt bad about it since he and Laurel had dinner plans but after a rough day all he wanted to do was stay in and relax instead of going out to dinner. Thankfully Laurel was alright with that. While they certainly were not back together they were friends and friends hung out together and that was what they were doing. Ever since she found out he was the Arrow they'd become closer.

When Laurel arrived he let her in, smiling a little sheepishly as he handed her his wallet so that she could pay for their dinner when it arrived, "I'm running a little behind." He admitted, "I'm going to grab a quick shower. I ordered us dinner from your favorite Chinese place, got you those dumplings you love so much so when the food arrives go ahead and pay for it." He told her.

Then he headed to the bathroom to get his shower, stripping quickly and stepping into the shower, planning to make it quick so he could spend the rest of his evening with Laurel.



After Sara died Laurel seemed to become more distant then she had been when she had been an alcoholic and druggie and Oliver worried. He had no idea if she had sank back into her dark spot she'd been after Tommy's death or she was angry with him because he'd told her he didn't want her involved in searching for Sara's killer. He didn't want her involved because he couldn't stand the thought of losing her. Losing her would extinguish that light that was still inside of him, because she was his light and without her life wasn't worth living.

He'd seen her a few times though she'd been distant, not opening up to him and he couldn't help the pain he felt. Maybe she was finally moving on from him. After all, maybe he deserved it since he'd told her he was done running after her even though he'd lied. He needed her and whether or not she wanted to admit it he knew she needed him too.

Then one night she got into trouble, captured by Malcolm Merlyn and Thea, and Oliver and Roy rushed to the scene. Oliver would not let Malcolm Merlyn take someone else he cared about away from him. Oliver and Roy got there in time to hear Malcolm threaten Laurel. Seeing Laurel bruised and bleeding enraged the green hooded vigilante and he stormed across the room, grabbed Malcolm by the shoulder and threw him behind him. Hard.

"You're wrong." He shouted. "I'll always come for her. You're done here Merlyn. You'll never hurt anyone I love ever again." Then he was turning to Laurel, untying her.



Oliver had just moved out of his childhood home and into his own apartment. And moving into his own place was huge for him. It was the first time he'd really lived alone in an actual apartment in his entire life. And the only person he wanted to share this giant step with, the only person he wanted there with him was Laurel. She was the only woman he loved. He'd never stopped. Even when he told her he was done running after her he still loved her and he always would. She was his light.

So that's how he found himself calling Laurel, spilling the news that he'd moved out of Queen Manor and into his own apartment and she was the first one he told. He'd become distant from Felicity after Sara's death and the cruel words Felicity had thrown at him, saying he had no feelings. He'd done a lot of thinking, knowing he didn't want to die down in the foundry basement and during the thinking he'd done he'd realized that it was Laurel he loved. It always had been. Always would be.

"I moved out and got my own place." Were the first words he spoke after saying hello to her. "Can you come over?"

Oct. 21st, 2014



Oliver knew he was running a huge risk of Laurel eventually discovering that the man she loved wasn't really dead and was not only alive but was moonlighting as the Starling City vigilante. No one knew he was alive. He'd escaped from the island, coming back to Starling City under a different name. He'd not given his real name to the fishermen that had rescued him from the island.

Laurel was once again in danger and it was up to him to save her, this time from prison inmates and a man sent to kill the client she was trying to help. A man who was innocent of the murder he'd been convicted of. And the real guilty party had sent someone to kill Laurel and her client. But Oliver was there now, arriving in time to find Laurel pinned to the floor with the killer's hands around her neck, choking her.

Oliver saw red, tackling the man off her, taking him down, not even hesitating to kill him, not thinking of the consequences of Laurel seeing him kill a man, even though she had no idea that her dead boyfriend was the vigilante.

Oct. 18th, 2014



It was storming badly the night after Sara died and Oliver remembered how much Laurel hated storms and it didn't help that her sister was dead. So he took Laurel home with him, back to his apartment, knowing she needed to be with someone just as much as he did. He needed her. Once they reached his apartment he unlocked the door and let her go in ahead of him before following her and closing the door, locking it.

He then turned back to face her, "You want anything to eat or drink?" He asked softly.

Oct. 17th, 2014



Oliver had just left the collapsed CNRI, tears lingering in his eyes, hating to leave Tommy's body behind, but he didn't have a choice. His heart broke, shattered even more when he heard Laurel's screams and sobs as she found Tommy's body. A tear slid slowly down his cheek as he broke into a run, afraid if he fell apart right there he might join Laurel in grieving Tommy right at that very moment. And right now he couldn't. Not yet.

He'd gotten six blocks away when his phone went off, letting him know he had a phone call, on his line, not on the vigilante's, so he answered, surprised to hear the voice of Detective Lance calling him and then he was pleading with Oliver to come to CNRI and get Laurel out of the building. She was with Tommy's body and refused to leave until Oliver came and since she had a fit everytime someone who wasn't Oliver tried to get close to her, he needed Oliver to come get her and get her out of there.

Oliver agreed and headed back, reaching the collapsed CNRI building faster then he'd left it and went back inside through the back, the same way he'd left. His hood was pushed down so Laurel could see his face and know it was him. He reached her, finding her pacing and trying not to look at Tommy's body, "Laurel?"

Oct. 13th, 2014



Oliver's eyes suddenly snapped open and he sat up with a gasp, his hand going to the IV and yanking it out, barely noticing the pain it caused. His chest rose and fell heavily and it was a moment before he felt John's hands against his shoulders, pushing him back against his pillows, "Take it easy Oliver." He said, trying to calm him down. "Welcome back." Oliver looked around, noticing that a part of the lair had been set up almost like a hospital room, obviously to keep Oliver there.

"How long have I been out?" He asked, reaching up with one hand to rub at his eyes, looking at John. "A few weeks." John said. "You were hurt pretty bad." He reminded him and Oliver winced, not wanting to think about just how close he'd come to dying. "Does Laurel know?" He asked softly. John didn't answer, instead he changed the subject which left Oliver wondering if Laurel did know what had happened to him. Did she know about the dreams he'd had while in the coma?

The first chance he got he left the lair and headed off to see Laurel, needing to know for sure, wanting to know if there was any chance she might have had them to. When he reached her place he knocked on the door.

Oct. 10th, 2014



Oliver and Laurel were head over heels in love with one another and had been since the moment they'd first met. They talked about a life together after high school, college, an apartment together and eventually marriage. Everyone thought they'd be together forever, including their families and they were sure they'd spend the rest of their lives together too. But then one night something happened to change all that.

They were returning from a date, Oliver taking her home, when a drunk driver ran a red light, plowing into Oliver's car. Oliver had gotten a concussion and a broken arm, Laurel's injuries were far more serious and she was in a coma. Oliver blamed himself even though it wasn't his fault and no one blamed him. He stayed by Laurel's side everyday, telling her how much he loved her and begging her to wake up, to come back to him but she never did. More and more time passed and her parents encouraged him to go to college, to have a life and try to move on.

Oliver did but continued visiting Laurel when her parents weren't there, continued pleading with her to wake up. He began spending time with Laurel's sister Sara, the last link to Laurel he had. At first it was just dinner's sharing memories of Laurel but eventually it became more. They dated and eventually fell for one another, but still Oliver held on to Laurel, though no one knew, but Sara suspected.

She even tried to get him to move to another city but he refused, saying he didn't want to leave his family, but even Sara knew it was more then that.

One night Oliver went to see Laurel like he usually did and pulled up a chair to her bedside as usual, taking her hand into his, "Laurel, I love you more then anything. And if you wake up you know I'll choose you but if you don't wake up soon I'm going to have to let you go. So please come back to me. Don't make me live without you any longer." He pleaded, his voice breaking.



Oliver and Laurel were at dinner and Oliver was nervous, very nervous. He was about to propose to Laurel and he'd tried to be creative with how he did it, wanting it to be something she'd never forget. He'd spoken with the waiters ahead of time, telling them his plans and had given them the ring box to deliver to Laurel with her order of salad or soup. It would be covered, hidden until they set it in front of her and she lifted the lid to find the box underneath. Of course the box didn't contain the ring, Oliver had the ring tucked safely into the pocket of his suit jacket. Instead, there was a note, folded up neatly in the box.

On the folded paper in Oliver's handwriting was a simple, loving note.


Bet you know what the surprise is now! Don't you?

Love Oliver

The note was a very Oliver thing to do and he watched her reaction to it, grinning, quite pleased with himself, even though he had yet to pop the question.




Oliver took the call from Laurel, instantly rushing to the hospital when she told him someone had shot at her. He got there and saw the archer on the roof of the building next door and headed up to the rooftop to confront him, to find out who it was and take them down before they could take anyone else away from them.

He and the archer engaged in a hand to hand fight, neither of them knowing that Laurel was trailing Oliver. Then as the archer knocked Oliver back, they heard sirens and when Oliver tried to stop him he aimed at him and shot an arrow. Oliver had tried to avoid it, running for the window and leaping, but the arrow connected with his shoulder and he fell.

He caught a glimpse of Laurel bursting into the room as he fell. He managed to use one of his arrows to slow his descent so he wouldn’t meet the same fate as Sara but he knew Laurel wouldn’t know that.