November 16th, 2019



Jay couldn't believe he'd been in New York City for about six months now, but yet here he was and he didn't regret making the decision to follow Erin to New York. In fact he was sure it was the best decision he'd ever made. He and Erin had gotten engaged shortly after his arrival and he couldn't be happier. He'd transferred to the NYPD and was now heading up an Intelligence Unit of his own. His Intelligence Unit had already made quite a name for itself already because of all the crimes they'd already solved or all around stopped altogether.

And here they were, six months after he had first arrived in New York City and they were getting ready to get married. All their friends and family from back in Chicago were there to celebrate their day with them. Will as Jay's best man with Adam, Kevin, Severide and Casey acting as his groomsmen. Will told them all he didn't ever remember seeing Jay as happy as he was now. Apparently Jay's decision to join Erin in New York had been one of the best decisions he'd ever made. And Jay agreed with that.

Now standing at the front of the church, waiting for Erin to make her entrance he was looking forward to spending the rest of his life with Erin as his wife, something he'd only dreamed about before, now that dream was coming true.



"This guy thinks he is playing mouse and cat with us," Hayley blew out as she got into the car with Jay. "Really...." she shook her head, it's been a long day and they haven't caught their prep yet, they seem to be chasing him around town. "So where to next? We know he's in the city, he's running scared, where would you go next if your girl's house has been compromised." She looked over at her partners and side, "where would you go?" she asked him,

"You have lived here all your life, where would you go if you are on the run?" she looked out the window, "wait....don't he have a step-sibling? You would go to your brothers, wouldn't you?"



Chris Lasalle had been on a mission lately, determined to bring down the man who had killed his brother. He still found it hard to believe that his brother was dead. Cade was dead. If he'd known Cade was in trouble he would have done everything in his power to help but Cade hadn't gone to him, thinking he could deal with the problem himself since it was his girlfriend's son he was trying to help. Chris just wished Cade had come to him rather then trying to handle things himself. Now Chris was trying to solve Cade's murder and help Cade's girlfriends son get free of the man he'd been working for.

Chris had found himself traveling from his home in New Orleans back to Alabama where he'd been born and grown up before eventually moving to New Orleans and becoming a cop until Hurricane Katrina went through and he met Dwayne Pride and eventually became an NCIS Agent. Now here he was investigating his own brother's murder.

He was working yet another lead when he saw a woman following him which to him spelled trouble. He ducked out of sight and circled around, coming up behind her now, gun out and aimed at her, "Who the hell are you and why are you following me?" He demanded.



"Shit," Veronica muttered as a door was jarred and she peered in seeing that there was someone on the floor. She had taken the case as a favour to one of Logan's friends, but honestly, it was turning into a big hassle. She yelled out, "I'm a PI, I'm entering your home," she moved over to the body on the floor, very dead. "Fuck," she muttered as she shifted to get her phone, stepped out the house for she wouldn't mess with the scene of the crime. She called the cops, sat on the stoop because she knew she would be questioned.



Erin was in town working on a case, she normally avoided seeing friends and co-worker, but there was a fire earlier this week and well a few of her old friends were on the scene and she needed answers. Plus she had heard about Kelly's dad, so she wanted to reach out to him. She walked into the station, they were on a call, so she waited in their common room, sitting in a chair, legs propped up on the table as she scrolled through her phone.

When she heard the trucks, she thought about getting up to greet them, but she still sat there going through her phone as she waited for everyone to come in.