October 19th, 2019



“Look at all the different colours!”

Fall was here in New York City, the leaves were turning colours, there was a nip in the air, and Erin was loving it. She grew up in Chicago all her life and sure they had fall as well, but not in a massive park in the middle of the city. She was bundled in her coat, sipping coffee at Jay's side. "Look at all the different colours," she proclaims as she nodded her head up to the trees, "I know winter will be here soon, snow covering it all like it does in Chicago, but I really do love this part of Fall."

She smiled as she looked over at him than nudged him with her elbow, "I love the fact that you are here with me." She knew he risked it all to come be with her and he had asked her to marry him, which was agreed to do. "Should we have a winter wedding?"



“Everything is quiet and cool… wish I could rest like the rest of the world is.”

Jay was exhausted, more then ready for a few days off from work since it had been one case after another for the last few weeks, at least that's what it felt like. He had a hard time remembering the last time he'd had a full day off without having to go into work because of a huge case suddenly coming up, requiring the Intelligence Unit's expertise. He knew the rest of his team felt the same way, though none of them complained. Finally things had slowed and Jay had been given several days off to get some much needed rest but even that hadn't lasted only about a full 24 hours before a murder/kidnapping case had come up.

He and Erin had been sent to question the roommate of the victim and Jay was already wishing that they could just solve the case. "“Everything is quiet and cool… wish I could rest like the rest of the world is.” He said as he drove to the apartment where the victim and her roommate lived.



“I don’t think these trees got the memo about what season this is.”

Jay had a hard time dealing with Erin's decision to leave Chicago, especially since he'd been planning to ask her to marry him, so her leaving, even though it was probably the best decision she could have made, made it hard for him to accept. For a long time afterwards he was in a fairly dark place, even going so far as to take risks while in the field, risks that put him in danger. Eventually he ended up deciding to follow Erin to New York and try to get some closer if nothing else.

Seeing Erin again helped him realize he didn't want to let her go again, even if that meant moving to New York City in order to be with her. He hadn't told her why he'd come to see her yet, nervous about approaching that subject since he had no idea if she still loved him or not and he knew he needed to explain things soon.

Erin was taking him sightseeing today, her day off from work and he found it was a good time as any to tell her, only before he could she was speaking up, gesturing at trees they passed, stunning him, as she made the comment about the trees not getting the memo about what season it was.

He couldn't help but laugh, "Maybe they change later then other trees." He offered.



“More pumpkins need to be bought. There isn’t enough.”

The precinct the Intelligence Unit worked out of had decided to do something for the district's children who wouldn't get to have much of a halloween because their parents just couldn't afford it whether it was buying costumes or pumpkins for the kids to carve. Jay thought it was a wonderful thing to do, something good for the kids. Except by the list of signups they had of who would be coming he could already tell that they weren't going to have enough pumpkins for all the kids coming so they needed to get more before the kids showed up in a few hours.

He moved over to Erin, showing her the list, "More pumpkins need to be bought. There isn't enough." He told her, "There's more kids signed up to come then there is pumpkins. We need to try to get some more before they show up later." He said, hoping she would volunteer to go with him to get some more pumpkins, knowing it would get done faster then if more then just one person went.