Youka Nitta
Drabble challenge #3: The AV Life 
18th-Aug-2008 10:36 am
Title: First Time
Prompt: #3 The AV Life
Character: Iwaki
Rating: Mild R
Warnings: Het mentioned
Summary: Professionalism is important to Iwaki, but it is also a mask...

The First Time

The first time, he holds on to his professionalism. He builds an invisible shield from it, to hide his shame behind.

The first time, he gets it up by thinking of how he is now able to pay the rent for his small flat, even next month, and the next.

The first time he fucks a girl on film, he thanks her for her hard work and her guidance. He is grateful she doesn't see his pain.

The first time he is alone after selling out his talent and his body, he cries.

For the first time. And the last.
20th-Aug-2008 05:09 pm
Hehe. Canon actually says it is Katou who has been the one to loosen up so Iwaki is able to cry. *snuggles them* He doesn't seem to me as a person who'd express his feelings like that; and in the beginning, when Katou first gets to know him, he is either violent or angry.

He'd be lost without the professionalism. There are quite a few things he manages to do or not to do, using it as a defence.
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