Feb. 4th, 2012


WHO Lovisa Jansen & Roddy Bonniman
WHERE Catacombs library
WHEN Saturday evening
SUMMARY A random encounter
STATUS Incomplete

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Feb. 2nd, 2012


WHO Lovisa Jansen and Shuro Shimizu
WHERE Shuro's apartment
WHEN Feb 2nd, about 9
SUMMARY Dinner and getting to know each other for realz
STATUS Complete

At one point I thought you were going to take one of the smaller animals and eat it raw for the protein. )

Jan. 26th, 2012


WHO Lovisa Jansen and Shuro Shimizu
WHERE Jurassic Park
WHEN January 26th, late morning
SUMMARY Going home
STATUS Mini (Complete)

She pressed the accelerator down as far as it could go )

Jan. 25th, 2012


WHO Dr. Lovisa Jansen and Lt. Shuro Shimizu
WHERE Jurassic Park
WHEN Day after the T-rex chase into the jungle
SUMMARY Something is quite not right with these doors...
STATUS Complete

Just when you think you're safe )

Jan. 17th, 2012


WHO Lovisa Jansen and Shuro Shimizu feat. Doc Malcolm
WHERE Jurassic Park
WHEN January 17th, late morning
SUMMARY Everything goes dark
STATUS Mini (Incomplete)

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Jan. 16th, 2012


WHO Shuro Shimizu and Lovisa Jansen
WHERE Cretaceous Jurassic Park
WHEN Monday, Jan. 16th
SUMMARY Biiiiig lizards.
STATUS Complete

There’s a first for everything )

Jan. 14th, 2012


Eye of the Tiger!

Who: Daisuke and Lovisa
Where: Dojo area of the Gym in the Catacombs
When: 14 January 2012, early afternoon
What: Daisuke trains and takes on a pupil.
Rating: IDK G?
Status: Complete

Clicky! )