December 30th, 2009

[info]stephbrown in [info]year_one

E-mail: NYE BBQ OMG!

To: Johanna Fleming, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Johan Fleming, Donna Troy, Jesse Chambers, Kyle Rayner
From: Steph Brown
Subject: NYE BBQ OMG!
Date: 30 December 2009

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[info]stephbrown in [info]year_one

Steph's New Years Eve Party

Who: Steph, Jayna, Donna, and Kyle
NPCs: Steph's Mom, Zan
When: 31 December 2009
Where: Steph's House
What: Steph throws a New Year's Eve BBQ. Yes, it's odd, but she felt like it.
Rating: PG, I assume, but fundamentally TBA.
Notes: Usual drill for party threads. Start subthreads as you like, be in multiple if you like. Also, since you'll be seeing Steph's place for the first time, it's a small house out in the Gotham suburbs. There's makeshift gymnastic equipment in the backyard. People who notice such things will see this is the house of people who don't have much money, and that there are no signs of Steph's dad.

Steph was a strong believer in food-based hospitality. )

[info]pureobsidian in [info]year_one

Who: Damon Matthews and Todd Rice
Where: Gateway City streets
When: 12/30/2009
What: Todd's headed to work and literally runs into Damon.
Rating: G, I assume.

What next? A hole in the hand from a renegade machine? )

[ Damon! ]

[info]graysoninflight in [info]year_one

Who: Spoiler & Robin
Where: Gotham City : Rooftops!
When: 12/30/2009
What: Robin and Spoiler try and get a head start on keeping Gotham city crime under control in 2010. Or you know, it's just another average night in Gotham, with two teenage vigilantes meeting up while on patrol.
Rating: TBA -- but I'd guess, G, PG at most.

It was still 2009, 2010 was still a day away. )
Tags: ,

[info]emeraldguardian in [info]year_one

Who: Kyle Rayner and Donna Troy
What: Kyle invites Donna out to a black tie, holiday ball and fundraiser event
When: December 23rd (Backdated!)
Where: First Donna's apartment in Boston, and then an upscale hotel in Los Angeles
Rating: PG

A world without grownups was one thing, but a holiday ball? Quite another, in Kyle's book, especially considering his date. )