December 13th, 2009

[info]fabledqueen in [info]year_one

Who: The Queen of Fables, any and all heroes in kid world, NPC's
Where: Gotham City, town square
When: 12/13/2009
What: Bringing the World without Grown-ups to an end.
Rating: possibly R for violence


Gingerbread castles and sugar frosted heroes, Oh my! )

[info]stephbrown in [info]year_one

Kids World: It's time

Who: Spoiler, Jesse Quick, Donna Troy, Green Lantern (Kyle)
What: Steph calls everybody!
When: 12/13/2009, shortly after this starts.
Where: Gotham
Rating: PG-ish, one assumes
Note: Yeah, so if Steph thinks you're a hero and has some way of contacting you (, cell phone, walkie talkie, New Cronos high tech transmitter, etc.) she has now done so to tell you about the gingerbread thread. If you want to say your character met Steph before this and therefore got the call, drop me an OOC below and we'll sort it out. Also, if you want to have your character reply, feel free.

Gingerbread house in Gotham town square. Meet me there. Come prepared. ~Spoiler. )

{Open to replies, if you like.}