The Way Back Home's Journal
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Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

    Time Event
    Out and About
    Continued From here

    Angel himself was just out and walking around in the city. Him and the rest of his friends had moved to New York because of some new Hellmouth that was supposed to be opening in the area. Of course, they had a Wolfram & Hart branch there, but he had been very interested when he found out that Lilah Morgan and Lindsey McDonald were working for it. He had thought that Lindsey had quit that place for good, but, one again, it just shows how little a person can really change sometimes.

    He was actually out doing a patrol at the moment, but his walk ended up leading him to the Wolfram & Hart building. Might as well get a good look around it and see where the entrances and exits were. Plus, you know, see if it had sewer access.

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