The Way Back Home's Journal
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in The Way Back Home's InsaneJournal:

    Wednesday, November 7th, 2012
    5:59 pm
    To say that I hadn't expected Angel to show up and...I guess stalk my daughter was a bit of an understatement, but that didn't mean that I was going to sit around and let it just hang there like it was OK. Angel had a history of creepy behavior around teenagers, and I wasn't going to let him focus on my daughter, for whatever reason was going through his head.

    So, I did some research, looking into where he had set up his new 'detective agency.' I figured I could stop by there some night and tell him in no uncertain terms that he needed to stay the hell away from my kid.

    At the moment I was sitting outside of the place they had picked with Lilah in the car with me.
    Monday, January 16th, 2012
    5:48 pm
    Meeting the enemy??
    Ava was on her way home from school, her usual route when she turned a corner and found a tall dark and handsome guy. He was leaning against the wall. She went to walk past him and as she turned around she noticed that he was following her. She stopped at he next corner and looked at him,he seemed vaguely familiar.

    "Why are you following me and who are you?" He didn't look too dangerous,but Ava knew that looks could be very deceiving.

    Current Mood: uncomfortable
    Saturday, December 3rd, 2011
    11:22 pm
    Out and About
    Continued From here

    Angel himself was just out and walking around in the city. Him and the rest of his friends had moved to New York because of some new Hellmouth that was supposed to be opening in the area. Of course, they had a Wolfram & Hart branch there, but he had been very interested when he found out that Lilah Morgan and Lindsey McDonald were working for it. He had thought that Lindsey had quit that place for good, but, one again, it just shows how little a person can really change sometimes.

    He was actually out doing a patrol at the moment, but his walk ended up leading him to the Wolfram & Hart building. Might as well get a good look around it and see where the entrances and exits were. Plus, you know, see if it had sewer access.

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