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Xavier Memorial Institute

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[Oct. 13th, 2009|07:11 pm]

Who: Rachel Argosy (Rhapsody).
What: Rachel decides staying at the school and relaxing is a much better than going to some rally.
When: During the Mutant Rights Rally
Warnings: None

It was a great day. )

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Backstory [Oct. 3rd, 2009|11:58 am]

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Who: Jamie, Rachel [info]rhapsodyinblue
Where: Maine Women's Correctional facility
When: Heavily BACKDATED About ten years ago, give or take.
What: Rachel has a visitor
Notes: This is a much younger and naive-ish Jamie, before all the really big crises that turned him into the grumpy old thirty-something man he is today. Mature he was not.

His visitation clearance request had been initially denied because he had a record, for one. Not to mention that he and Quicksilver had broken Rachel out of prison before putting her back (*). )

(*) As seen in X-Factor v1 #79-81
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[Sep. 29th, 2009|09:22 am]

Who: Rachel Argosy (Rhapsody)
Where: A random cafe in Los Angeles
When: July 25, 2009; 8:00pm [Backdated]
What: While attending open mic at a local cafe, Rachel decides it's about time she look into teaching at this Xavier Memorial Institute.
Warnings: None.

Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody, I got some money cause I just got paid. )
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