Xavier Memorial Institute - November 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Xavier Memorial Institute

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November 28th, 2009

[Nov. 28th, 2009|01:44 pm]
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Who: Kevin and Open
Where: Boys' Dorm Lounge
When: Late Morning
What: Waking the sleeping monster lad

Kevin had spent the last two days enjoying the American holiday called Thanksgiving. Which mostly consisted on gorging yourself on food and then complaining about eating too much. And watching Christmas parades on TV while stuffing yourself silly.

He'd been watching an all night horror movie marathon in the dorm lounge and fallen asleep sometime during the wee hours of the morning. Now he was still sleeping, and was dreaming. Which for Kevin, could be an interesting experience. While he didn't often morph completely in his sleep (unless he was having a nightmare), he did go through fluxes of partial shifting when having a vivid dream.

Like now. It was a nice dream. First he was running through a field chasing butterflies as a hellhound, then he was soaring through the skies as a dragon above a vast forest, and finally swimming through the ocean depths as a kraken.

Which left him with tentacles instead of arms, waving wildly about as if he were swimming. Until one collided with someone or something. And stuck. Oops
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[Nov. 28th, 2009|10:01 pm]
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Who: Adam and Ben
When: Early afternoon
Where: Restaurant in LA
What: Grabbing a bite to eat and general geekery

Adam was running a little late for his late lunch with Ben. The rabbi, who'd gone to seminary with both of Adam's grandfathers back east, pulled him aside to ask after his grandmother. Halfway through the conversation, two things were obvious to him. The man was still clearly harboring romantic interest in his bubbeh after fifty some years and was trying to get Adam to lure her out for a visit so he could 'catch up with her'. Which probably meant trying to make good on those harbored feelings. He promised to make the suggestion after listening to the man praise his grandmother for twenty minutes.

Thelma Himmelfarb had apparently always made an impression on people.

He'd rushed the appointed place, hoping Ben hadn't been waiting on him too long. The man was worse about getting out than he was. Which was probably odd, since neither was really antisocial. Occupational hazard of their given professions, he supposed.

"Hey, Ben," he said as he spotted the older man and settled down across from him. He was still dressed for temple, in a dark suit and tie complete with a black suede yarmulke pinned in place. While his father would have disapproved, he generally only wore his kippah on Shabbat or other holy days. It was inconvenient and really not sterile enough to be worn to work, so he figured the Almighty would understand. "I hope you haven't been waiting long."
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