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Oct. 28th, 2009



Leigh and I would like to say: "TAG!" Activity check, hookers. :P That last part was mostly me. I can't back up that Leigh would call anyone a hooker. XD Heh. Anyway, just wanted to make sure who we're still "rollin' wit". So comment back when you have time. Gonna wrap this one up after Friday so we can start with a clean slate on the weekend. Peace.

-Beck (and Leigh)

Oct. 25th, 2009



Hey guys. Lots of stuff to mention.

First of all, Leigh and I have spent the evening updating pages and pages of stuff. The one that would effect most of us is here: relationships page. There are lots of changes, so read over it carefully. Lol. The threads archive, the taken page, the contacts page and the holds page have all been updated, as well as outlying pages such as 'original character mutations' and 'class/staff list'.

Secondly, Dan has finally picked up Iceman and you can check him out here: [info]mister_frosty.

Thirdly, we've lost Amanda and her six characters due to inactivity. So the following pups are up for sale: Cannonball, Chamber, Deadpool, Pyro, Shinobi Shaw.

Fourthly, Jordan has decided to pick Lorna (Polaris) back up and put Dani (Mirage) on hiatus for the time being until she has more time to alter her.


-Beck (and Leigh)

Oct. 21st, 2009



Hey guys. Due to some members being MIA, we decided to summarize the attack threads and move on. We wanted to get past all this asap, but things were being draggy. So here are links to the summaries.

Manhattan (Wolverine's team)
Shaw's Party (Bishop's team)
Boston Shipyard (Diamond's team)
The Mansion (the aftermath)

In other news: IRON MAN!

After all the attacks, Tony Stark will be coming to the mansion to tell the X-Men where Stryker is located and that he'll help them if they need it. On the news, there were loads of reports and speculations about the footage of the X-Men who fought the sentinels. Xavier will come to the decision (after consulting the team) to out the X-Men as superheroes; working for the benefit of humanity (homo sapiens and homo superiors alike). Those who wish to remain unidentified/unregistered will not be forced to out themselves. For those who are fine with the spotlight: Get ready to be celebrities! Tony can relate (as well as the Fantastic Four?). We will play through December (in character) and most likely summarize the rescue of those who had been taken by Stryker and held at Alkali Lake. Several of the X-Ladies are with child, and those facts will all come to surface following the mandatory physicals post-Stryker (so in the weekend of the 21st and 22nd of November, 2009).

Oct. 13th, 2009


Work work work.

Hello lieblings. Just a few notes:

- We lost Kait/Iceman due to inactivity. So, Bobby's available. Also, please reuse the flister.

- We need to move things along in the attack threads (ie; get kidnapped if you're supposed to, escape if you're supposed to, get injured if you're supposed to). So, get'r'dun. Don't draw things out; there's a lot more stuff to get accomplished outside of these threads. XD

- I wanted to talk about time jumps and see how everyone felt. After these attacks, there will be a mission to rescue those who were kidnapped and to defeat Stryker. Beyond that, there isn't much planned aside "our take" on what happened in the films, and the aftermath of all of the Stryker / X / sentinels / etc. So, being that there are going to be some pregnancies at the mansion, I wondered if we wanted to take a 6 month time jump after December in the game, or even a year? Things could be backdated, of course. We haven't done a jump that big before, it'd put everyone with a clean slate and make us do something thinking. Let us know what you think.

Beck & Leigh

Oct. 8th, 2009


Vroom vroom party starter.

Okay, so. I've updated the relationships list. Celebrities die in threes, babies come in ... multiples. There are going to be several pregnancies in the game, and we wanted to make mention that anyone else (in a position to do so) is welcome to join the baby boom. Lol... Yeah. It sounds chaotic, but after talking it out, there were several ladies who had been wanting to have children, and the game has been running for 7 months now. We thought they could offer each other support.

On a sadder note, we've lost Cross (Havok) and Laea (Wicked) to inactivity. Please be active and interactive, you guys. Please.

Also, not many people have expressed interest in the second Stryker attack. I might as well give some shout outs and ask for comments here so we can all be on the same page. If someone wishes to NOT write all of this out (sentinels, Stryker, kidnappings, etc), please let us know. But for now, can Kait, Amanda, Dan and Carley comment on this entry with questions, opinions, etc. We'd like to get those threads underway, but I don't want to rush anyone or involve anyone who doesn't want to write that stuff. So please comment here and we can all see what each other is thinking. XD For the record, the OOC pertaining to these attacks is here.

-Beck (and Leigh)

Oct. 1st, 2009


Plot outline, please read.

On Friday, November 20th, 2009 (in-game), several simultaneous attacks by sentinels will occur in the New York area. During this evening, the X-Men will be separated into several teams to help control the damage and (hopefully) take out the sentinels. This is when Stryker will return to the mansion to finish what he started. He will succeed. After the attacks, there will have been news coverage where X-Men were capture on film. The decision to out them as a superhero team (by Xavier) will be up for debate. Those who would wish to remain out of the spotlight could so choose.

At any rate, we'll have four groups. Three groups will be fighting sentinels and one group will be defending the mansion. If you don't want your character(s) involved at all, you can say they're out of town. From November 16th (evening) to November 21st (morning), Mars, Zap, Brogan and Kiona will not be at the mansion.

So I need to hear from all of you if you wish for your characters to be out fighting sentinels or in fighting MRDs/Stryker. Super-powerful mutants or those with great control shouldn't be left at the school. We need for the Professor to get kidnapped. Please let us know what you think and where you'd like your characters to be!


who's fighting what



A lot of these choices were made based on comments here. Feel free to request changes/alterations.

Sep. 21st, 2009


Good news, weird news, news news.

First and foremost - new character. I've decided to pick up Bishop ([info]big_guns). He will totally have wanted scenes by the time you read this. Until then, his profile is 99.99% functional. There are gaps in his relationship section, as well as people listed there who might not be savvy with it, so let me know if you have any thoughts either way.

Secondly, Leigh has decided to drop Mystique. She's now an NPC and will be for-ev-ar. I've decided to drop Dazzler (in exchange for Bishop) and she is now up for grabs.

Click the cut for information about a recently-removed member.

Third and finally. )

P.S. / EDIT - I've decided to summarize Magneto's recovery from his plastic prison by the X-Men instead of playing it out immediately. I imagine Diamond being involved for sure, and possibly a slew of stealthy types (Gambit? Kitty? Nightcrawler? etc). So, if you'd like for one or more of your characters to be involved his with rescue, let me know. For details, click the second cut for this goofy-ass entry.


Thanks folks,

Beck & Leigh

Aug. 31st, 2009


Updates, general chaos...

Foremost, we have some character/player changes.

Rob has created an OC counselor for everyone to vent to. The OOC addressing this character is here and his journal is [info]mr_feelgood.

Leigh has a new OC as well, who communicates/shares abilities with animals. The OOC pertaining to Vivien/Pride is here and her journal is [info]pride_.

Min is no longer with us, and I've chosen to pick up Emma. Husk is now free, however, and has been added to the holds page. My Emma is a bit different, but still very much canon (Min borrowed a great portion of my bio for her Emma, so there aren't too many differences). New Diamond journal is [info]whitediamonds.

Rob, Leigh and I have all updated our wanted scenes to reflect our new additions.

Joan and I have been discussing the possibility of Siryn (age 5) coming into Sean's custody. She would have been the daughter of Black Tom, and gone to Sean after Tom's death. This transition would be played out in game, I assume. So, if anyone has any thoughts/ideas/comments, feel free. She's added to the 'taken' page and has icons under [info]genesis_npcs. If anyone would like the password for that journal, I'll gladly IM or e-mail it to you.

The activity check / character summaries are nearly all up. So if you didn't do one, at least read over the monster. Lol. Here is that thread.

Finally, it's come to my attention that rapid-fire attacks/chaos would be a little trying on everyone, so I'd like to suggest that we have the 'second attack' occur after the Halloween party at the mansion. There's also the option of having the attack happen during the party and making everyone go fight sentinels in their costumes, but that's just mean. XD I think a larger time jump (ie; the end of October) would do us some good, as well. Lately time in the game and real time have been sneaking too close together, in my opinion. I don't want things to get confusing. But for the record, 'time' is addressed in the rules page if anyone is curious. If anyone would like to thread about the attack on the mansion (reactions, etc), please do so. I know there are a load of people with vendettas against Stryker at the mansion now, thanks to XMO: Wolverine. So that should be fun. Wolverine's not in his boat alone anymore. Lol.

For specifics about the Halloween party, Leigh and I have been discussing the when and the how, etc a bit, but feedback / fresh ideas are always welcome. Here's some of what we have so far...

Being that there are children at the school, and that we'd probably want our folks to be able to drink/have fun as they'd like, there should probably be a separation. My thoughts were that the X-Men (of age) could have their party in the gigantic gym downstairs (the one with the speaker system and the pool, etc). They could set up tables and couches and a bar and rock out, that way anyone under 18 could be kept out. As for the younger students or people who didn't want to attend, I think making the grounds 'haunted' would be cool. Then the younger students would have something to do and the teenagers could scare the bejesus out of them.

My other thought was that it could be warm out (50-70 degrees - hey, they do have Storm) and they could do a Playboy Mansion style party outside, with gigantic tents and seating and pillows and tables of food and drink, etc. Example. And the kidlings would be indoors at a "rated G" party.

Either way, doing a "haunted labyrinth" needs to go down, simply because they already have a hedge maze. XD

Because Leigh and I have no lives (well, we don't), we've picked out a number of our characters' costumes. Feel free to comment and stake your claim on ideas for your own pups. And don't worry about doubles (especially with stuff like vampires, pirates, cowboys, etc). It's bound to happen.

Aug. 28th, 2009


Activity Check + Attack Thread Summary

Aloha. *is Beck* I just wanted to say "tag!" for the activity check in hopes that everyone will respond with some sort of thought(s) about how their characters fared in the attack on the mansion. It's been just over a week, but there hasn't been activity in a few days. So, I'm going to assume that we're either bored or confused or lost or a combination of the three. So, this is less of an "activity check" and more of a "please take pity on the mods and respond with your thoughts" entry. Lol. I have the most characters, so I'll comment asap if anyone wants an example. It'll help me figure them out, too.

We've moved ahead in time, as well. So, any late August/early September birthdays are gone (feel free to backdate). We're in mid-September and I'd like to get to early October as soon as possible. That's when the second attack will go down. If we don't feel like writing that out, we don't have to, but I think it would involve four different threads, so it wouldn't be as confusing. Or maybe four would make it worse. Lol. We can decide when we get there. Since this one didn't go over so well, I say we just get past it (it'll be happening in early October) and say Stryker came and succeeded and then we can send a team after the kidnappees. All of that information (a little outdated) is here.

Something Leigh and I have been kicking around: a mansion-wide Halloween party. We didn't get to write out our BBQ, so we thought this would be more fun anyway. Costumes mandatory. Bwahaha! Feel free to discuss that here, too.

Aug. 20th, 2009


One liners...

Please don't write them. If you don't have enough for your character to say, ask someone on the OOC about specifics or for ideas. And for the record, I'd like everyone to remember that we're writing in the third person/past tense, and to utilize spell check. We all make typos, I know, but sometimes it's pretty obvious things aren't being checked over.

It's in the rules.

ONE LINERS Please don't use one liners. Posts that are 1-4 sentences long are considered 'one liners'. They're fine for journals/comments, but in threads/logs, when you're writing in third-person and doing a narrative, please use full paragraphs. If you can't come up with full paragraphs, then you should speak with the other person(s) involved with the thread and come up with a change of topic/scenery. One liners don't provide an interesting read and they don't allow the person you're writing with to respond to their fullest capability. We're here to write with each other and build on ideas and everyone should do their co-authors the courtesy of putting as much effort into their posts as possible (within comfort/reason/time constraints). We (the mods) see one liners as a waste of character(s) and, frankly, time. Steer clear of 'em. Players that are warned about this repeatedly will be asked to drop their character(s) to the minimum in hopes that their time will be used to make the most of one character, instead of being spread over several. If the issue persists, the player will be removed. (ADDED 06/25/09, UPDATED 08/20/09.)

-Beck (and Leigh)

P.S. Please check out Kait's intro (our new Iceman), because it's now buried. Lol.

Aug. 19th, 2009


Mansion Attack Thread, IC Date: September 7th, 2009

OOC Date: August 19th, 2009 (yes, today!)

Anyway, this is a place for you to make comments about the thread, ask questions about locations/specifics and to let Leigh and I know who and what you plan to include and exclude. So, comment at will. But not the Will. He's busy fighting.

TO KEEP THINGS ORGANIZED: Please reply to a comment that your character could help turn into a thread (their roommate, a common Danger Room partner, etc). If two threads cross, unite them into one. We'd like to keep things as less confusing as possible.

So, to start a new area of the mansion or a new thread in general, click 'post a new comment'. It looks like this:

(Post a new comment)

To reply to a previous comment and continue a thread, find the bottom most reply (the latest one) and reply to that by clicking 'reply to this'. It will be in the bottom, left hand corner and look like this:

(Reply to this)

Thanks guys! Good luck. XD

Aug. 15th, 2009


Activity check + plot discussion.

Excluding Jordan, I just wanted to see who all was still around/active. I know time is getting short for a few of you, so I wanted to see what was up and if you still wanted to play. Please respond to this by Monday, if so.

As for the plot discussion - Leigh and I have been brainstorming today and beyond the Stryker stuff, well, we wanted to have some goals/plans. We tossed around a few ideas about Jean and who/what "the Phoenix" is, so that could all be lined up to use. Or we could save that until a later point (when it's even LESS convenient for the X-Men, lol). Here are some of our options - the first group of which can be used simultaneously, or with one of the latter, grand schemes.

The Basics:
• The Mutant Registration Act
• "X"
• Sentinels
• MRDs
• The Phoenix
• The Hellfire Club
• Morlocks
• The Mutant Massacre
• Psylocke/Kwannon
• The death of Xavier (power struggle for leadership?)

Grander Scale:
• The X-Men come out as superheroes (those who so choose) after being seen on the news fighting in swarms against the Sentinels during Stryker's second attack (personal fave of Beck/Leigh)
• Wanda transforms Xavier's into an Olympus of sorts, while humankind looks upon mutants as God-like (caused by the death of Pietro, maybe?) Mutants keep their memories and wonder why people are leaving them gift baskets all of a sudden. And why they're in togas (personal fave of Beck)
• Wanda creates the Savage Land
• Magneto "sets up" Genosha

Jul. 28th, 2009



Leigh and I have decided to pick up Jeanne-Marie (Beck) and Jean-Paul Beaubier (Leigh).

Wanted Scenes, Application, Icons.
FROM BECK: Jeanne-Marie (aka Aurora) has done the nun/teacher/superhero thing, and now she's sort of left with her multiple personalities (and her twin!). She's at the mansion to sort herself out and hopefully get back to strictly being Jeanne-Marie (boring!). Aurora should be causing trouble ASAP. And her third personality is rarely-seen, 'Her'. Watch out for that'n. Anyway, I'm looking forward to having JM guilt people to death for every minor sin she knows they've committed/committing, while Aurora flirts herself into fights (Lorna, Gloria, Jean, Emma, Katie, Edan, Zap?) and beds. Jeanne-Marie called Jean-Paul to be with her while she's (back) at Xavier's. They were there a few years back, so they're not totally new.

Wanted Scenes, Application, Icons.
FROM LEIGH: Here be JP. Aurora's twin brother and fellow speedster/light manipulator. He's also a best-selling novelist, a former professional skier, circus acrobat and member of Alpha Flight. Jean-Paul is 48 years old, but looks quite a bit younger than that! FYI: He LOVES to shop, preferably with females. Most guys just don't have the patience or know-how to shop, and therefore JP has very little patience to deal with anyone who can't spend more than 20 minutes in a mall without getting bored or antsy. Lol. Anyway, he's been at Xavier's before but has recently returned to help his sister get back to normal. (All together now: AWW!) Beware: He can be a bit snarky and rude sometimes but he's from Quebec, so that's to be expected. xD (I kid!)

Jul. 26th, 2009


Plot - please read.

I just wanted to give everyone a timeline of things that will/have come to pass. Parts of this have already been posted.

The Professor wakes up on Tuesday, August 11th (2009), and is back around the upper levels by late Wednesday, August 12th (2009). That's ten days he was unconscious and without Cerebro being used (by him).

Forge, Mars, Matrix and Zap get Cerebro back up and running on August 7th (with the feedback of Emma/Jean now and again).

On Monday, August 3rd, political supporters of the Mutant Registration Act spoke out across the country (with anti-mutant sentiments across the globe). It is back up for vote Friday, August 17th, 2009. Senator Kelly had been whipping up support for the MRA (and himself) in this thread.

Magneto has been apprehended and is in jail ala X2. The Brotherhood has been separated. It seems that our group of players here isn't really keen on the Brotherhood in the first place, so we're finding places for them to be / purposes for each of them after Magneto's gone. Mystique will be attempting to spring Magneto.

After discussion with Leigh and a few other players, it seems like the idea of a school BBQ on the lawn (and a chili cook-off: enter here!) would be good to celebrate the Professor waking up. This would probably take place Saturday, August 15th, 2009. So we could have swimming and a massive thread so that everyone could have a chance to interact if they so choose. Besides Liberty Island, we haven't really had a thread of that manner yet.

While Magneto is in prison, Stryker will be visiting him. These visits will happen through the month of August. Stryker will launch an attack on the X-Mansion in hopes of obtaining what was necessary for him to make his own Cerebro, and fail. There are far too many X-Men for him to succeed in the confines of this game. This will happen in early September.

Throughout the month of September, the Mutant Registration Act will be passed and school (the fall semester) will be starting for Xavier's Institute. The use of sentinels will go public.

In early October, several simultaneous attacks by sentinels will occur in the New York area. During this evening, the X-Men will be separated into several teams to help control the damage and (hopefully) take out the sentinels. This is when Stryker will return to the mansion to finish what he started. He will succeed.

So, we'll have three groups. Two groups will be fighting sentinels and one group will be defending the mansion. If you don't want your character(s) involved at all, you can say they're out of town.

It's confirmed that Britannic, Colossus, Warpath and Dukes will be fighting sentinels. It doesn't make sense for them not to.

So I need to hear from all of you if you wish for your characters to be out fighting sentinels or in fighting MRDs/Stryker. Super-powerful mutants or those with great control shouldn't be left at the school. The Professor/Phoenix/Diamond should be gone as well, whatever they're doing (sentinels or not). Please let us know what you think and where you'd like your characters to be!


who's fighting what


A lot of these choices were made based on comments here.

Also, I'd really, really like people to include 'X' in some of their threads. Either mention of it, or problems with people/attacks, or discussing the issue itself, anything. If you need suggestions, let us know. :D

EDIT: P.S. I've updated the relationships page so that Psylocke and Omen now have roommates. BEWARE! I'm lookin' at you, Chamber and Wallflower. I've also added in Husk. :) We have a hold on Kitty. ^_^

Jul. 5th, 2009


Liberty Island Outline

The following will be an info!dump - a compilation of all the threads/pieces for the Liberty Island 'story arc'. Leigh and I would like everyone who wishes to be involved (or is for sure) to comment with their thoughts/hopes/suggestions.

FRIDAY (07-31-09, late night): Sabretooth hires Deadpool to help protect Magneto at Liberty Island, as well as with a kidnapping (of Mars and Zap). Deadpool agrees and they leave.

SUNDAY (08-02-09, late afternoon): Trance, Mars and Zap go to the mall in Westchester. Deadpool, Toad and Sabretooth sedate and kidnap Mars and Zap. Trance is let without transportation. He phones the mansion to let them know what's happened and for a ride back.

SUNDAY (08-02-09, late afternoon): While they were out, Mystique infiltrated the mansion and used Trance's appearance as a cover, since she knew for a fact he wasn't present. Raven sabotaged Cerebro and left. She relayed the information of the trio's departure from the school to her colleagues and they intercepted them at the mall.

SUNDAY (08-02-09, early evening): Senator Kelly will arrive at the school, having been kidnapped by Magneto and treated by his 'machine'. He escaped and will come to the school for (medical) help. He will be treated by Jean and Brian, and will explain to them about Magneto's plans. The Professor will go to Cerebro to locate Mars, Zap or anyone in the Brotherhood and will be injured due to Mystique's meddling with the machine.

SUNDAY (08-02-09, evening): Cyclops should decide to take a team to rescue their fellow X-Men and to attempt to stop Magneto from mutating the UN world leaders at the summit near Liberty Island. The team should be composed of: Himself, Jeanix, Storm, Diamond, Nightcrawler, Omen and Havok?. If anyone else would like their X-Man involved with this mission, please comment here.

The way things will pan out is up to everyone involved, but here are the facts...

Present Brotherhood: Magneto, Mystique, Sabretooth, Toad, Noir, Dukes, Deadpool (self-associated), Rogue?.
Present X-Men: Cyclops, Jeanix, Storm, Diamond, Nightcrawler, Omen, Havok?, Mars, Zap.

Mars and Zap will be unable to fight unless freed.
Emma and Jeanix's powers (telepathy) will not be able to be used against Magneto or Deadpool, and in turn, Emma cannot control minds while she is in diamond-form, so keep that in mind, baddies.
The Brotherhood will have placed Zap in/near the machine and threatened to kill Mars if she didn't power it. He should be chained somewhere near/on the torch.

Kurt would really, really like to bamf! Deadpool into the open water to get rid of him (for a while).
Omen and Nightcrawler would be a good team to face Deadpool.
Emma (or Storm) and Noir could be interesting adversaries.
Dukes will be sabotaging Magneto's plans at some point, so if you have any suggestions for time/actions, let me know.
Summers brothers/Sabretooth could be interesting.
Toad/Jeanix is canon. What.

Jun. 18th, 2009


Plot! Whoa-oooh.

Sooo. Players permitting, we'd like to continue with the Liberty Island idea. (Which involves the use of Rogue and the Brotherhood, as well as Deadpool. All of whom would battle a group of X-Men.) This should be happening around the first week of August (in-game). Right now it's the last week of July.

After this thread was completed, Magneto would be apprehended and wind up in jail ala X2. The Brotherhood would be separated then. It seems that our group of players here isn't really keen on the Brotherhood in the first place, so we're finding places for them to be / purposes for each of them after Magneto's gone. I assume Mystique will be attempting to spring Magneto.

While Magneto is in prison, Stryker will be visiting him. These visits will happen through the month of August. Stryker will launch an attack on the X-Mansion in hopes of obtaining what was necessary for him to make his own Cerebro, and fail. There are far too many X-Men for him to succeed in the confines of this game. This will happen in early September.

Throughout the month of September, the Mutant Registration Act will be passed and school (the fall semester) will be starting for Xavier's Institute. The use of sentinels will go public.

In early October, several simultaneous attacks by sentinels will occur in the New York area. During this evening, the X-Men will be separated into several teams to help control the damage and (hopefully) take out the sentinels. This is when Stryker will return to the mansion to finish what he started. He will succeed.

So I need to hear from all of you if you wish for your characters to be out fighting sentinels or in fighting MRDs/Stryker. Super-powerful mutants or those with great control shouldn't be left at the school. The 'Bash Brothers' - Britannic, Colossus and Warpath will be fighting sentinels. The Professor and Phoenix should be gone as well. Please let us know what you think and where you'd like your characters to be!

Also, I'd really, really like people to include 'X' in some of their threads. Either mention of it, or problems with people/attacks, or discussing the issue itself, anything. If you need suggestions, let us know. :D

-Beck (and Leigh)

Jun. 4th, 2009



leigh is now our new co-mod! :D

Feel free to contact her with modly matters. She will now be helping to approve applications, helping to update, etc. So, yay! XD

On a more sad note, Cathy has left us due to a busy schedule and other priorities, so we're down a Northstar (as well as her OC, Silver). Best wishes, Cathy.

I've given [info]xmen_genesis a moodtheme - one I created a few years back. You can see it here, and use it for any of your posts. I'll be adding it to the OOC soon, I hope.

I've also updated the communities' layouts, as well as [info]xalted's. I hope they look cleaner and prove to be more useful/functional.

Don't forget - we can make personal journal entries! :D Feel free to make public or private ones at any time.


Apr. 1st, 2009


Now that the game is officially open, I'm ready to start up more scenes/threads! One of my gals (Scarlet Witch) is in desperate need of something to do. Nothing too big! I'm trying to keep my opening scenes pretty simple, so anything to do with socializing would be great.

Any takers? We can play via e-mail, googledocs, or threading. Whatever would be convenient. :)


Mar. 29th, 2009


Got buried.

I just wanted to link back to both mine and Leigh's intros - so folks can get more familiar incase they didn't dig that far back. Lol. Also, Leigh's married to Lawrence and you can contact him through her. I'm married to Rob and you can get his attention through me. Yay.





Mar. 25th, 2009


Leigh's Intro

Hey! My name's Leigh, I'm an Aquarius, and I like long walks on the beach—but seriously....

My name is Leigh, I am an Aquarius (or Aquarian, whatever) and I do enjoy the occasional walk on the beach. I'm also married to Lawrence ([info]the_arch_angel) and we reside in West Virginia with our four "children" (they're really cats) together.

I dedicate a ridiculous amount of my time to internet role-playing, because a.) I'm unemployed (for various reasons) and b.) it's so gosh darn fun, I can't seem to ween myself off of it completely. (Though Lord knows I've tried!)

If you want to chat, plot or what-have-you, please feel free to contact me on AIM (aphoenixwithin). I'm around a lot, but if by chance I'm not visible on your buddylist, you can shoot me an e-mail too. Address: ginzuishou@gmail.com

Like Beck, I started setting up my Wanted Scenes list. Check back periodically for updates!

Anyway, on with the character intros! )