X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - November 24th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 24th, 2008

[Nov. 24th, 2008|12:48 pm]
[Current Mood | bored]
[Current Music |"Don't Take Your Love Away," by Vast]

Since we've restarted the game, I figured I make a little post for the sole purpose of getting all of my characters' relationships figured out. So, if you want to establish your relationship with one (or many) of mine, comment below or comment on their character profiles.

Dr Jean Grey-Summers ([info]the_phoenix) - At the moment, she's not doing much on the account that she's dead. But I'd still like to settle her relationships in-game. I know she would be close with Storm, since they were pretty tight in the comics - like sisters, almost. How about her and Polaris? Would they still be friend, or has Polaris always been with Magneto? I also figured she probably would (or would've been) be close with Britannic, Recon and Beast, being that they've worked together quite a bit. Thoughts? Add-ons? Lol. I'm sure she was close with more people, but I don't want to make too many any assumptions.

Wanda Maximoff ([info]scarlet_witch) - While I'm still not too sure what's happening with her (or her brother), it couldn't hurt to figure out who she knows/is close with in-game - besides her brother, of course. Haha.

Leyu Yoshida ([info]sunpyre) - She's been at the school for nearly a year now, so I'm almost positive she would've made some friends and/or enemies by now. Anyone interested in having their character(s) be either of those? Lol. You might want to check out her profile to see her interests and stuff, that way you can figure out if your character(s) will be compatible or not with her.

Eva Garza ([info]cyberpathy) - Not much has changed with her. She's been at the mansion since she was in her early teens, so I'm sure she knows everyone at the mansion and has had encounters with Brotherhooders and the like. Mind you, she's not one to make too many close friends and prefers to keep a tighter social network than most.

Wren Zhang ([info]vanishing) - Just to let you all know, her history has changef quite a bit, so you might want to check her profile out. I even added onto her abilities, which I'll gladly change if you guys (meaning the mods) have a problem with them. Anyway, she's also been at the school since she was a teenager and she's twenty-four now, so she's been there for about a decade. Friends? Enimies? Exes? She needs'em all.

Lucia Garza ([info]through_touch) - Meet Eva's kid sister! She's a lot different from her older sister - personality-wise, anyhow. She's much more sociable and more inclined to act silly in public. She's not very shy at all, but she still has her moments from time-to-time. Oh yeah and she's fairly new to the mansion, but I'd still like her to have at least a friend or two to hang around with. :P

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