X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - November 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 23rd, 2008

Hi new char! [Nov. 23rd, 2008|07:20 pm]
[Current Mood | accomplished]

Hey everyone! This is Mary (aka Sunfire) with a new kidlet. This is Wolfgang Claude Alviani-Clavette, an OC and the White Scribe of the Hellfire Club. He's the son of an opera singer and a conductor who came from long line of musicians and performers. So he grew up very wealthy and is a bit of a prodigy when it comes to music. His ability, which he is not open with, is the ability to turn sound into pheromones. He usually manipulates this ability through music, hence his codename Orpheus.

He's a world famous conductor, known for directing his orchestra so well, he induces feeling. Of course, little do audiences know, the reason this is is because of his mutant ability. So in addition to inherited money, money from his parents, he has made quite a small fortune traveling with his orchestra.

He's a bit of a social butterfly so you probably can find him at most upscale clubs. He's also a total ham. He tries to keep a cheerful disposition mainly because he doesn't want to influence people by just talking.

So anyways, plot? Previous connections? :D
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