X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - October 31st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 31st, 2008

K. [Oct. 31st, 2008|01:47 am]


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We've lost David and (apparently) Cathy, as she hasn't responded to messages/e-mails. Luckily, that's only three characters, only one being movie canon. (Multiple Man.) So... if anyone is interested in Northstar or Jamie, lemme know. I'm probably going to put Wild Child on the banned list. I also dropped Pyro, so if anyone is interested, lemme know! Since there's a restart, you'd have a chance to make any of these pups your own. And for the record, I dropped Sway too. Keeping my balance closer to rule-following. lol This has been updated, by the way:


P.S. Thanks for posting the summaries, folks.
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[Oct. 31st, 2008|01:49 pm]


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[Referring to going with Rogue to Halloween Party]

"I'm so badass I traversed the comic realm on this one." - Lawrence (my husband) as Bill Clinton


Just thought I'd share this with you guys, what with today being Halloween and all. And yes, that's who we're really dressing up as. xD

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