X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - August 14th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 14th, 2008

Hey! Updates. [Aug. 14th, 2008|06:26 am]


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[Current Mood | sleepy]

Have a few updates for all you fine folks!

I really need to get some feedback on the vampire storyline, so lemme know what you're thinking by commenting here or in the previous OOC post so far as your thoughts go on the subject and what sort of plot you'd prefer for your specific character(s) where the vampire theme is concerned.

I made a list of Birthdays/Zodiac Signs: Here.

Rob is going to introduce a new character ASAP - [info]sentient_. He's an original and some of you might remember him from over at GJ. He hasn't been played in a while and we thought he could use some dusting off. A quick run-down on Sentient/Conlan: He's 20, has been at Xavier's for 5 or so years, he's an 'animator' (so far as his mutation is concerned) and he is Mars/Ronan's younger brother.

We lost Mel, who was the player of Quicksilver, Aurora and Shock. So, those characters are now open again, and have been removed from the lists, etc.

Okay - VAMPIRES. If you haven't let me know which of your characters you planned to have turn or be involved, please please please do so. If you'd prefer not to participate actively with that plot theme, that's fine too. I just need to know either way. Please keep in mind that one vampire per four character guideline. So if you have eight characters, you could technically play two vampires, etc. Our thoughts on the beginnings of this particular storyline...

We were hoping that 90% of the vampires to be turned could be in a horrible failure of a mission together where all but one or two people get bitten/scratched. There is a bit of yet-to-be-mentioned plot for the element of surprise. I'll bring it up as we get closer to the time to start threads. As far as the timeline goes, I really hope that we can fast forward to October. Two months after the prom - plenty of time for the X-Men to get going with administering the cure. This is going to be done with gun-like weapons that were developed by some of the science guys where they were able to concentrate the radiation-like output of the machine (found on the Washington DC mission) into rays. So, mutants that go on these missions have to have a great deal of control and need to be trusted by all other members of the teams. It's not likely many Brotherhood members would be going on these missions, for more than one reason. The weapons are heavily protected within the complex. The government has been contacted about a cure, however, they were not given information about the specific method. By the time we start threads, society will be taking the first steps to getting back on its feet. Normal humans would be beginning to rally together and the specific governments of different countries are beginning to take charge once more (battling rebels and rogue mutants all the while). I'd really prefer the focus to be less on curing infected humans (as we're trying to skip over that part) and more on society and social issues and the condition that will be overtaking some of our X-Men and other mutants throughout the world.

Lastly, just so it's clear, these vampires are not the undead sort. So, they can go longer without needing human blood, they have no need to 'feed' before having sexual interactions (males) and they have reflections in mirrors, etc.

So, gimme some feedback, any kind.

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