X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - August 9th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 9th, 2008

The Injun Association [Aug. 9th, 2008|01:19 am]


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[Current Mood | nerdy]

So I was really bored. Credit to Rob for his contributions.

The Natives of the X-Men discuss ... things. )
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Cookie and Blobby [Aug. 9th, 2008|06:43 pm]
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I snagged two more characters: Gertrude Taylor and Fredrick Dukes.

Gert ([info]cordonbleu) is the cook, but more importantly, she's a very motherly figure. She has a lot in her history, from her life partner dying of breast cancer, to experiencing discrimination and finding a home with cooking. I foresee late night heart-to-hearts, so if your character needs advice or a few dozen cookies, feel free to just slap up a tag for her. :)

Freddy ([info]thefatoftheland) is, well, Blob. He's canon, but I've added a little more depth than might be in the comics. He's dyslexic and very accustomed to hiding it, and he has that hint of sadness from not being able to articulate his thoughts, be appreciated among the Brotherhood, or have solid friendships. I'd love for him to develop a crush on Jean or Rogue (both, maybe, lol) through backdated threads, be jealous of Colossus, and cling to the now crumbling Brotherhood (he is really upset with Pyro and Rogue, especially). He needs a better PB, too! If you can think of anyone famous, looks 25, and is reallllly fat, please share!

I'll keep updating my wanted scenes list, so check it out if you're bored and want to scene. :D

Okay, thanks!
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