X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - June 4th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 4th, 2008

[Jun. 4th, 2008|11:08 am]


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Hi everyone!

I'm glad the lull in the game is seeming to clear up. Leigh's email to do a log with Rogue and Kitty made me all kinds of happy, so that's well under way. Since I'm still here, I'd really like to get Kitty more involved and iron out what's going on with her friendships/relationships with people around the school. I'm not sure, at this time, if she's going to find out about Rogue and Bobby's meeting (Leigh, should we plot to make that happen during their run-in?) -- but I can say for sure that if she does find out, Kitty has probably been very, very down and has continued keeping to herself.

You can still reach me on AIM at kakkoi kellie, or email me at zangarmarshling@gmail.com to get in touch with me. I would prefer email since I'm not always on AIM. Just let me know if you want to do some sort of log (thread or GDoc please) with Kitty, and I'll be more than happy to comply. I'd really like to be more active with Kitty since I do enjoy playing her. :)

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[Jun. 4th, 2008|09:16 pm]

After a lengthy absence I'm happy to say I'm back in action. To all the members I apologize for my continued lack of communication and neglect towards the game. Things have been chaotic on my end with work, school preparations and family/friend/boyfriend drama. I'm excited about getting back on track though.

I will be ready to post this week, however I'd like to ease back into things and not jump into some mega-thread right away. I am looking into getting a second job and with school starting I may not be as timely as before, so bare with me. Threads that I did have open prior to my absence I would like to close, unless it's pertinent to the story. Feel free to e-mail me any ideas, suggestions, or comments.

Note: I no longer will be using AIM due to several reasons. I can be contacted through e-mail, YIM, and of course the OOC community.

Hope all is well.

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