X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - May 4th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 4th, 2008

Hey! Just wanted to give an update. [May. 4th, 2008|11:50 am]


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Hey folks. I miss you guys so much. >_<

Anyhow, Rob and I are moved and settling in, but we won't have the internet hooked up at the apartment until Tuesday, by 5pm at the latest. First, the phone company said 'Monday, 8am-5pm'. Thanks for narrowing it down for us, jerks. Then, they switched it to Tuesday, same hours. Apparently they over-booked. So we nagged and they're going to waive the installation fee, whoot. +$25 for us.

So I'm excited to get going again, as is Rob.

I know there's been some minor posting here and there and I'm glad for that.

What do you all think about doing a fast-forward to the end of May or the beginning of June for the game?

Just a thought. I don't want things to get stale.

Thanks for the patience folks,

-Beck (and Rob)
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