X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - April 20th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 20th, 2008

Hey dudes. [Apr. 20th, 2008|04:59 am]


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Even though some of you haven't even gotten back to me, I think it's better that we stay here. Despite my feelings of being betrayed by a huge crash here at IJ, I do prefer the icons, and I do love the fact that we're already established here and have put in a lot of effort. I just don't want to lose it, and it's happened before, in quite the same fashion. So. I'm keeping the community over at LJ ready for when things get bad again.

So, continue your threads! Post new ones! Be merry. It's a free for all.

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[Apr. 20th, 2008|09:45 pm]
[Current Mood | bored]
[Current Music |Within Temptation - Stand My Ground]

I just want to let you guys know that I'm probably going to be a little scarce starting this Thursday. My mother and my grams are coming into town for a short visit, which will be lasting from that day [Thursday] to Monday afternoon. I'll try to be available in the later evening hours to post, but I'm not going to make any promises.

Anyway, just thought you ought to know.

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