X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - April 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 16th, 2008

Hey folks. [Apr. 16th, 2008|06:07 pm]


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I just wanted to ask everyone a huge favor. I've been getting a load of work done on the project of moving the game to LiveJournal.

After last night's blackout, I saw horrible signs that IJ would repeat the chaos that GJ caused, and after weeks of sluggish behavior, I've decided the game would work better on a better-supported website.

I'm in the process still of moving everything over there, so don't feel obligated to post anything in the IC community. I'd like to get the threads moved over there somehow, but if that can't happen, we'll copy the list of threads coding and just add the LiveJournal threads to it. At least we could still go back and read the original posts over here.

So, some info:


All of the usernames created so far begin with x - no underscores to speak of. We've started with codenames, then tried first names, surnames, nicknames and so on.

So - they should look like this xmods or xwolverine or xlogan or xjameshowlett. You get the idea. We just want everything uniform and simple. It's easier for me and Dan to keep lists up to date when everyone has similar and unified usernames. :D

So, if someone has any issues or confusions or questions, lemme know! I'm on AIM and Y! IM. I'll be posting here and in the LJ ooc about getting back into the swing of posting. It shouldn't take more than a day or so. But you can continue logs here until they're through. Don't feel like you have to quit writing out started threads. All new logs should be started on LiveJournal, and Dan or I will kick that off when we're all set up. Thanks guys.

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