X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - March 19th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 19th, 2008

New character! [Mar. 19th, 2008|02:25 pm]
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Hey all!

Corri here, bringing in a new pup for everyone to play with. May I introduce Ms. Emma Grace Frost, otherwise known as Diamond (formerly the White Queen of the Hellfire Club). She's been at the school for some time, so I'm sure some of the folks know her (and may hate her). Soooo, if anyone has an ideas of association/backstory/plot with her, I'm definitely up for that. I'm pretty sure she and Jean don't get along, for starters.

She was absent for a week or so and is just now returning to the mansion after hearing about the big battle of doom. If you want to play with Emma (or Remy, for that matter) drop me a line OR I can usually be found on AIM.
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SUMMARY / THREAD MAP [Mar. 19th, 2008|05:03 pm]


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I'll update this as the final posts are added, so when we're all done, this will have complete coverage. None of this is really in order, either, so if you've been following the thread, this will make sense to you. You'll have to read all of it together sooner or later if you haven't been keeping tabs, unless someone suggests a way to arrange these to make sense, since there are comments and replies every place. >_< lol

ON MARCH 24TH, 2008


And finally, I added my wanted scenes, at last. They're here.


P.S. In other news, we're now in the market for a replacement!Wolverine, as Liu will no longer be with us. She leaves this message:

Long kiss goodnight.
Hey guys.I'm sorry, but it looks like I won't be staying on with the game. I'm gonna miss this game, and all of you, dearly. Best of luck with this and future ventures.

and some critters for your userpics! )
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