X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - March 14th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 14th, 2008

Ahoy! [Mar. 14th, 2008|01:17 am]


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We've got ourselves an new Scarlet Witch. I've updated the friend-lister, so please use it! It will remove scarlet_hexes from your friends lists and add scarlet_witch - the journal created by Leigh (Jeanix, Rogue, Boom Boom, Matrix, Psylocke and Wren). So, yay!

Also, I know it's finals season and such, and lots of folks are testing and vacationing, but we really need some posts and some activity in the attack thread and beyond. IM the hell out of people, do some logs, get your pups involved. :D I wanna see everybody kickin' ass. lol

I think that's all for now. Peeeeeace.

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Numbers [Mar. 14th, 2008|04:50 pm]


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So, we did a little math and came up with the guesstimate that around 430 have been killed or mortally wounded. If there are around 600 of them, we've taken out the majority. I'd say the Darkseekers that are left are all surrounding the broken section of wall trying to get in, or are already inside it. If you wanted to kill some people, do it soon! >:)

-Beck (and Rob, her math guy)
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