X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - March 4th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 4th, 2008

So... dibs? [Mar. 4th, 2008|11:11 am]


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Does anyone want Scarlet Witch or Pyro? (Even temporarily.) I'm not asking out of necessity, I'm just asking to give you folks the jump on the gun. If not, I'll add them back in to the wanted list. Poor Maximoff twins are both unloved now. Lol. Anyway, that's all.


EDIT I also forgot - someone had mentioned wanting to play Emma to me - well, the hold is up on the person who had her held, so if you're around and still want her, lemme know.
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Work news [Mar. 4th, 2008|10:21 pm]

Tis the season for overtime. I'll be working 10 hours days, possibly until almost the end of the month, so I will not be as available as usual. I WILL however make a point of trying to be able to post at least once a night if necessary. Just wanted to let you peeps know so you aren't wondering if I fell of the face of the planet.
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