X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - February 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 25th, 2008

Characters [Feb. 25th, 2008|09:53 pm]
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Hi guys, I am just sitting here going I want to be posting more fun stuff. However it seems I keep rping with pretty much the same people. I don't know if it is because we have lost people or if people just don't know what to post. So, I'm putting this up here. If you want to rp with any of my peeps just give me a ring (e-mail... whatever) and we can figure out the details. Then maybe we can start a few more posts out there. Especially if you are new and want to start getting your character involved. I am good with the involved thing. Also... those who I have spoken with before about scenes we want, get a hold of me and we can start work on it.

For informations sake.

Brotherhood members:

Demon - flirt, jigalo, sexy and knows it and isn't afraid to show it
Thorn - quiet, likes plants and growing, generally an outdoorsy guy, vegetarian
Mystique - that lovely blue nudist shapeshifter we all know and love

X-Men folk:

Silver - Lunar teleporter, has bad temper, likes swimming and diving, has sensative hearing and smell
Northstar - 1/2 of the canadian twins, publicly known to be gay, wrote book Born Normal about his life, used to belong to terrorist organization (was pardoned), belonged to Canadian governmental team of mutants.


Poison - hasn't shown up much, hopefully to be rescued soon. Owner of a conglomerate of business' involved with weapons manufacturing and other things, assasin for fun and profit in her spare time, not publicly known to be a mutant. As an assain known to be a mutant. No connection has been made between the two persona's due to the fact that she can shed her skin.
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UPDATE! [Feb. 25th, 2008|11:22 pm]


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I just wanted to let you all know that we've recieved a request to have the contact page friendslocked, so I've done that and you now have to be logged in and friends with [info]xalted to view the contact information for all the players.

Here's the link to the contact page, if you're not sure what's going on. If you can see it, then you're fine. If you can't, you either need to log in, add xalted, or both. Thanks!

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