X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - February 8th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 8th, 2008

Intro! [Feb. 8th, 2008|01:35 am]


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I'm Kellie and I will be bringing you Kitty Pryde! Some of you may remember and some may not. I played in Aftermath for a bit over on GreatestJournal and played Kitty Pryde and Wicked. My friend Corri just recently joined and tossed me a little bug in my ear that Aftermath was over here now and Kitty had just recently open. Naturally I jumped Bec's IM and, voila! Here I am.

Kitty's profile has been beautified and placed in the journa's profile section.

I can be reached at zangarmarshling on AIM and at zangarmarshling@gmail.com via email. Email is the best way to contact me.

I'm looking forward to playing with everyone! If there's any place I should jump right in or if there's anything specific about the past Kitty that I should know, let me know! :)
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Heyo! [Feb. 8th, 2008|09:04 pm]


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Hiya everyone, I'm Jesseca and I bring you Wicked!!!

I figured she was a fitting character for me, so I decided to take her on. I managed to maker her history similar to what is known about her in the comic book, but I, of course, took my artistic license and came up with a lot of stuff for her. Including a name!! I may have gone a little crazy with it, but her name is Bella Phantasma :D I think it suits her, especially since she can make ghosties do her will :P

So anyway, she's currently unaffiliated, but leaning towards teaming up with the Brotherhood. You can find more about her here. If you want to plot, chat, poke whatever, you can find me on AIM @ serenityfreak :)

I'm looking forward to playing with you all!!

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