X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - February 3rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 3rd, 2008

Good news, everyone! Bad News. [Feb. 3rd, 2008|09:00 am]

I hate to do this, but thanks to a shift in work scheduling, it doesn't look like I'm going to have time to tie my shoes, let alone play on journal games the way I want to. So, it is with deepest regret I have to bid X-Men: Aftermath adieu.
I'm very sorry for having to run out like this, but I'm sure the mods can puppet through the scenes I was still in and get you all a'movin'.
I wish I got to play with more of you, and those I did play with and talk to are fantastic people. Hope to catch you all on the flipside.

(Kitty, Pietro and Sean)
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Woe is me. [Feb. 3rd, 2008|11:03 pm]


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EDIT Would everyone please go update their friends lists by entering your journal names into the f-lister. It's updated now, so far as I know.

All righty. We've lost some folks.

Characters now available: Wolverine, Quicksilver, Banshee, Iceman and (possibly) Husk. I haven't been able to get a hold of Tiffany (Husk's player). And Exxie (Angel's player) has gone MIA, so keep an eye out. We're a little concerned (Corri, Gambit's player can't contact her either).

So, if any of you would to play some of those pups, or know anyone that would, lemme know. Emma Frost and Magik have also recently gone up for grabs. Shadowcat has been taken by a player from the game when it was on GJ, so she'll be back in asap.

So, goodbye to our players, thanks for the threadin'.

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