X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - February 1st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 1st, 2008

Some IC chaos [Feb. 1st, 2008|03:28 pm]


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Hey! I just wanted to help myself out and get some feedback and hopefully fuse a little organization into things.

Our most recent (personal) plots for the characters in the game all tie together. They include a mission with Cyclops, Jeanix, Nightcrawler, Beast, Iceman and Cannonball ("the six"), a thread with the Brotherhood in their lair, and a few other threads in reaction to the mission of "the six" and one with Charles and Magneto discussing the Brotherhood's venture to the mansion.

So, here are those threads:
The mission with "the six" is here.
The meeting of Xavier and Magneto is here.
The Brotherhood's preparations to depart is here.
Storm and Kurt react to Beast's death here.
Kitty and Bobby react to Beast's death here.

In theory, threads that happen on the 20th of February (game time) should be backdated if they were posted before 01/25/08 (real time). However, we have a few here and a few there. So I posted their links to remind folks where everyone was (mostly me, lol).

Here's what's happening so far as technical plot is concerned.

The five X-Men who were on the Manhattan mission and survive sent word back to the school that Hank had been killed. It would only take them fifteen minutes/half an hour to return to the school after they were back in the jet.

So, there will be a comment on the Xavier/Magneto thread letting Xavier know what happened to Hank.

It's assumed that Storm either over-heard or was also contacted about Hank's death before their return.

The thread with Kitty and Bobby is a little later after the group has returned - later, at least, than the one with Storm and Nightcrawler.

Once Xavier is alerted of Hank's death, we thought it'd be good to post a thread in the main community open to everyone who wants to A) post their reactions and B) interact with the group who were on the mission.

So, we'll get a post up alerting Xavier in his thread with Magneto today.

So far as the Brotherhood is concerned, Magneto will stay for a while at the mansion until things cool down where Beast is concerned, and then he will return as promised to his lair and divulge their next base. This can be within the thread that's already up, I think.

At any rate, I didn't want real time to catch up to game time, so once we get things settled with Beast and get the Brotherhood moved in, I think we should skip a month in-game to the end of March. Everything else can be backdated, ya know?

Your thoughts?

EDIT: We have some characters that need muns! Psylocke, Magik, Diamond, Muliple Man (Del?), Juggernaut, Jubilee - anyone?
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