X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - January 30th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 30th, 2008

*tags everyone* [Jan. 30th, 2008|03:15 pm]


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Hey guys - I just wanted to post a little something to make sure we were still at full force. I know the game slowed to a halt because of mine and Rob's internet issues. It looks like some folks assumed things were dead and took off (I assume). So, we have a lot of players and characters here, and I'd like everyone to be as active as they can. Some people hadn't posted ever, and some have only a few times, so if everyone could give this post a comment with "I'm here" or something as the text, that'd be great. I just want to get things cleaned up and get characters that are available off the taken page. So thanks!
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[Jan. 30th, 2008|09:21 pm]

Flurry of bad guy activity today! It's wonderful, and saves from working on that most boring of all possible things-- a will!

That said, I'm going to have to apologize in advance if I inadvertently cut in front of one of your charries. I'm really trying to keep it straight turn-wise, but there's so much action and the multiple columns I find it embarrassingly bewildering!

--Laura (who plans to be on aim later and would welcome any distractions!)
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