X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - January 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 25th, 2008

[Jan. 25th, 2008|07:02 pm]


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Yay functioning internet!

To those who attempting IMing us last night - Y!IM and AIM were both displaying 'fry_and_leela' and 'WomanofMarvel' as being logged in. I think it was to do with all the new modem crap. At any rate, we re-installed the programs and have functioning internet. Huzzah!

*dying to play and missing you all terribly*

We did a little summary since no one seemed to mind whichever way things went so far as getting the fact out on the Cyclops/etc thread, so here's the link: ...that you only meant well.

About the boy: If anyone wants to play him, that'd be fine. If not, we'll NPC him and have him as an open puppet if anyone wants to tinker. But here's what happened to him before he was rescued - He was 13 years old, his powers had just emerged, and his non-mutant parents took him to get the cure. A few months ago (after his abilities had returned) the Cure Virus popped him. Within a few days time, he had given most all the inhabitants of his parents' building the virus, including his mother and father. Most of the creatures that the six X-Men encountered in the building we people that he knew or had seen on a daily basis. He had survived due to his mutation and by moving in the daytime hours, but he has experienced much trauma and is severely emotionally scarred.

So, if Lance would like to post the Logan thread for Thursday, February 21st in the morning hours, that'd be cool. I hope you're still around... v_v

So far as the other threads go - some can be closed and others can be continued, but current game time would now be Thursday the 21st. So either way is cool. Threads can now go up to that point. Any new threads before Thursday should be backdated.

THE BROTHERHOOD - I would like to have Wolverine and his company miss the Brotherhood and return empty handed, to see that Rogue has already returned to the mansion, and is not being held hostage or against her will by Magneto, but came willingly at his side. So, in short, the Brotherhood are coming to visit the X-Men and plan to stay for a while. Bwahaha. I think Magneto would leave the lair and then return early in the morning for his brood - missing Logan and the others by only a few hours.

Tomorrow night, Rob and myself will be heading over to Dan's (Xavier/Recon/Avalanche) house and plan to post Magneto speaking to Charles on the night of the 20th (Wednesday). They will be interrupted by Cyclops, etc with news about Hank.

To get around the time jump - if you'd like to post reactions to the news of Beast's death without backdating them, you can set them to 12am on the 21st. Or you can wait for a "Hank is dead" post from Xavier. Either way is cool. But look for more IC posts this evening and for Magneto/Charles tomorrow night.

Hope you're all still well and ready. Thanks for the patience!

-Bec (and Rob)
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