X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - January 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 22nd, 2008

*facepalm* [Jan. 22nd, 2008|11:08 pm]


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I (or Rob) haven't been on AIM in a few days. For the past few weeks every few days our internet would knock out for five minutes or so and flash in and out. It's been every day lately and we can't keep AIM or Y!IM on because it's constantly restarting and re-logging in and out. So, that's why with the disappearance.

So far as the game, I mentioned to Lance (EMPORERzombie) that he should wait to post the Wolverine thread again until the Cyclops thread was complete.

It still isn't complete.

We feel like so much has happened in RL that time has ticked too far on the thread with Scott, Jean, etc. So - would anyone mind if we posted a summary of what happens to Hank so the IC facts are set in stone and then carry on with the thread?

Other options would be a big communal chat involving the players in that thread (fat chance) or simply just posting the summary and having the other players comment with summaries of their characters' actions. Any ideas?

We're not dead yet! Thanks for the patience.

It drives me nuts when I'm left in the dark, so I'm sorry for the blackouts, guys. We have our service provider looking into the issues.

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