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Bouncin' [ March 20, 2008 • 6:22pm]

So I'm afraid I'm taking the weekend off, still with no Venkat app finished. Sometimes it's easier to adapt a history than it is to create one, ya know? It's doubly annoying because I'm actually more interested in what will be my third character....

So you know what? Nix that hold on Venkat & Colossus's power. I'm glad I didn't get in touch with anyone yet about creating some backstory for him, because he's on the back burner now.

Speaking of getting a hold of people, I haven't been on AIM and social like I'd hoped. Sorry! 

I'll work the e-mail angle starting next week.

Have a good one, y'all!

doot dooo~ [ March 17, 2008 • 9:13pm]

Nikki and I'll be off for the rest of the week! We'll be taking some time off from the metropolis, chillin' in the mountains and savoring nice cool wind the metropolis is not known for. XDDD We'll most possibly be back come next Monday our time (+800 GMT) sooo until then!

Hope to read lots of new posts when we get back~ ♥

[ March 11, 2008 • 12:32am]

Just a quick note. We've cleared the holds page. Those of you who had holds that are now wiped, if you still want the character we want the applications in ASAP. No holds that have been deleted will be reinstated unless there is a good, legit reason.

We also sent out an activity notice on the weekend. Those of you who received it should be posting right about now, or risk losing your characters.

hey! [ March 04, 2008 • 10:24am]


We never did get to get together after the protest log, anymore. So I thought I might be able to help that and posted two logs for everyone to hop in!

Help Wanda look for her dress!
Kevin serves lunch to the BH!

They're just for general fun and get-together, that's all. :D

IntRo [ February 25, 2008 • 3:14pm]

Hi! This is Nikki (Rahne/Irene) with a third character, Ororo swapped with Dani Moonstar. I just would like to make a little blurb. She's the X-Men co-leader and she just arrived from Kenya after a month-long trip, which explains why she showed up just now (way to go Ro). She also has the white hair and blue eyes but photoshopping all that has been...a fruitless pursuit. So I'm going to be a wimp and say she had it dyed just now since she likes playing around with her looks.

While canon Ro is considered a motherly figure, I'd say this Ro is more big sisterly and doesn't really speak the big profound words canon Ro tends to say. She's active, playful, even mischievous...She joined the X-Men a little later (around Alex's time) and must have oftenly and unwittingly made people see their deepest and darkest dreams and nightmares. She's a photographer too.

Annnnd, that's it :D I still have to put in the bio here and prettify the journal. I must end with a shout out of thanks to the muns of Remy and Warren since I latched onto them for backstory in addition to Kathy and Piper :D Soooo, hope our characters bump into each other!

[ February 24, 2008 • 4:03am]

OOC: Primaries Won Thus Far… An Electoral Breakdown )

Oh, and on that note? You should all post/answer open logs. I issue a challenge. Each character should have a new post up/be in a new post by the end of the week.

I have full confidence in you all.

<3 Piper

journal prompts. [ February 23, 2008 • 12:14pm]

[ music | The Lady Is A Tramp - Ella Fitzgerald ]

We're really loving all the logs that are happening at the moment, and the group cooperation for the Protest log was awesome. Lots ofwonderful conflict. We would like more activity beyond that though!There are several characters we haven't seen action for who we'd liketo see. WE HAVE MORE PLOT PREPARED! Never fear! But in the spirit of building up communication between characters, and helping to build relationships we give you prompts! No one is required to post, but everyone is encouraged to take at least one prompt and either start a log or write a journal entry from it.

Anyone who does is gonna have a special place in our hearts, and maybe even a present at the end of it.


[ February 20, 2008 • 9:15pm]

Hello, 'tis the friendly Piper-mod.

Everyone has done an absolutely wonderful job with the protest log. I have read and giggled and grinned. We Mods just wanted to let you all know that post-protest logs can be posted now, and any other logs that might have gone on in the meantime since the protest. In other words, we're back on normal time now and everything can proceed  (though the battle log can/should continue as people would like!)

Thanks again for the participation. It was awesome. Srsly.

<3 Piper.

Introductions [ February 19, 2008 • 2:15am]

Hey all. Not too large a point to this post beyond saying hello to everyone. Y'all seem like good people and I'm happy to be writing with you. I'm new to IJ and this particular rp format, so bear with me.

I'm going to try to get on AIM somewhat regularly, so watch for "absorbyourenergy," and forgive me if I don't respond. My main internet time's while I'm at work, so...

Anyway, relationships! Kurt's been in some way associated with Erik and the Brotherhood for most of his life, (participating for roundabout 15 years now,) so sort've a senior member. He'd love to get along with everyone, but that doesn't mean everyone gets along with him. Any thoughts?

Protest [ February 18, 2008 • 10:48am]

Sorry for the delay in posting, I had a busy weekend, but the protest post is UP. Post away. Have fun. Just a few things to note:

1. For plot reasons, we'd like the fight to tip in the favour of the Brotherhood. This does not mean that every Brotherhoodian character will win and every X-Men character will lose, just use discretion.

2. Remember, no Godmoding in fights. Any problems arise, see Piper or myself and we'll mediate. Also no death of playable characters.

3. Have fun :D

Any questions about anything, either post them here or IM us and we'll figure it out. Do what you like with the environment though. If you want to set your fight in a park, sure, there is a park there! If you want it to run into MacDonalds, of course there is a MacDonalds there. We couldn't care less. But be reasonable. If we see a lava pit we're not going to be so amused.

- Kathy!

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