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Aug. 28th, 2010



Who: Shatterstar OT Rictor
What: Shatterstar stands watch over Rictor
When: [BACKDATED] Last Sunday, sometime around dawn after Bobby's (Iceman) rescue
Where: Haven infirmary
Warnings: TBD. [Rictor's condition at the opening of this thread pre-approved by his player.]

Shatterstar bit his lip thinking on how Ric might have teased him about being ripe. )

Aug. 14th, 2010


Rescuing the Iceman

Who: Iceman to Shard, Acolytes, and others
What: Rescuing Bobby Drake
When: Saturday, evening
Where: Floral Park City Hall, Long Island, NY.
Warnings:Language, potential violence

Everything was happening too fast. )

Aug. 11th, 2010


Rictor was attempting to be a ninja.

Who: Rictor, open to Jubilee
What: Heavenly pizza of deliciousness
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Haven, near the entry
Warnings: Language is likely, may cause hunger
It was very hard to be a ninja when the thing you were trying to secretly ninja through a house full of usually endlessly hungry twenty-somethings was one of the most delicious smelling pizzas on God's green earth )

Jul. 29th, 2010



Jul. 25th, 2010


The Funeral

Who: OTA [Post in with anyone who'd be there, but put in the subject if you're posting specifically to Havok or just an OTA subthread]
What: Gabe's funeral
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Haven
Warnings: Angst.

There had been too many of these lately )

Jul. 11th, 2010


log: Tabby and Ric

Who: Tabitha and Ric
What: A familiar face returns to Haven and desperately tries to escape the pleasant surroundings
When: Monday morning
Where: the front door
Warnings: Violence, Language

ka-BOOM! )

Jul. 10th, 2010


Who: Rahne, Havok, Ric & Match
What: Scottish mutant needs rescuing.
When: Saterday, early morning (before dawn).
Where: a burning forest outside of a village in scotland.
Warnings: Possible Language, Violence, naked human form because yanno, clothes don't magically become unripped after a transformation in real life. Granted, humans don't have powers either but... it works.


Jul. 7th, 2010


Ric was pissed...

Who: Ric, OTA
What: Blowing off steam after the news
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Outside the Haven
Warnings: Language and a shirtless man
Hopefully this exercise would help )

Jun. 22nd, 2010


Who: Ric, OTA
What: Relaxing
When: Tuesday evening
Where: The Rec Room
Warnings: Drinking
Bond would never settle down )

Jun. 7th, 2010


Who: Shatterstar OT Rictor
What: As the Haven turns... >.>
When: Current
Where: Haven
Warnings: TBD

Commu... what? )

May. 30th, 2010


Drinking wine and thinking bliss is on the other side of this

Who: Rictor, open to anyone on the roof
What: Drinking and thinking
When: Sunday at sunset
Where: Haven roof
Warnings: Drinking and language
I just need a compass, and a willing accomplice )

May. 20th, 2010


Who: Angel OT anyone
Where: The Mansion
When: late Thursday morning
What: Angel arrives at the mansion
Warnings: None

Fresh meat, comin' through! )

May. 14th, 2010


Who: Pyro OT Rictor
What: Gettin' good an' derunk.
When: Friday night
Where: The fire pit behind Haven
Warnings: Probably lots and lots of cussin' and hootin' and hollerin' and Yosemite Sam impersonations.

So what DO you do with a drunken sailor? )

May. 9th, 2010


He knew that he was taking a risk

Who: Rictor (Narrative)
What: An important phone call
When: Sunday, May 9th
Where: Coffee shop in New York
He was not going to be stupid about it )

May. 5th, 2010


Who: Warpath and Rictor
What: Hot, steamy shower. Not that! Get your minds out of the gutter.
When: Wednesday night
Where: Mens' locker-room showers
Warnings: Nudity

Most people didn't shower with a gun )

May. 2nd, 2010


Who: Rictor, OTA
What: Enjoying the day and target practice
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Outside the Haven
Warnings: Mild language
Ric was in a very good mood )

Apr. 16th, 2010


Who: Rictor, OT Thor
What: Late night encounters
When: Friday night, just before midnight
Where: Haven rec room
Warnings: Ric swears
Uh... hola... Que pasa? )

Apr. 12th, 2010


The Cure. A second chance at a new life.

Who: Rictor, OTA
What: Target practice, a good excuse to celebrate one's powers
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Outside the Haven
Warnings: Language
What the hell kind of bullshit was that? )

Apr. 1st, 2010


Integration, at last. Or... is it?

Who: Shatterstar (Ben/Gaveedra/Sleeper agent), Rictor, cameo appearance by Faith
What: Two may finally become one, or is it three? Sleeper agent personas trying to spoil things for everyone involved. Refusal is not an option. Also, Sinister gets what he wanted.
When: Thursday, April 1st, Early morning.
Where: Haven
Warnings: TBD. It's like Night of the thousand Stars... and not in a good way.

Xavier had informed Shatterstar in no uncertain terms that, in these desperate times, it had come to the point where his split psyche had become a liability to the Haven as a whole. He had been needed for the battle with Wolverine, and he had not been available due to the Benjamin Russell persona having been in control of the body. )

Mar. 30th, 2010


Who: Ric, OTA
What: Beer and movies
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Rec room
Warnings: Language
Rictor was having a good evening )

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