February 7th, 2011

[info]ex_valkyri416 in [info]x_2012

Who: Valkyri OTA
What: Sabbah was being watched. It wasn't a comfortable feeling.
When: Monday
Where: Common Grounds
Warnings: TBD

That prickly feeling at the base of her skull... )

[info]razorback_ in [info]x_2012

Who: Razorback OTA
What: Bernard is sick of sitting at home.
When: Monday
Where: Camelot
Warnings: TBD, but general adultiness should be expected. Oh, and cussing. Bernard has a potty mouth.

Lucien was boar-ing. )

[info]breathandshadow in [info]x_2012

Who: Shadowcat, OTA
What: Kitty's being a little silly. (haha)
When: Monday evening
Where: Haven gym
Warnings: If you think Kitty's an adult, this might shatter your worldview.

And after a quick surreptitious glance over her shoulder, she started to sing along. )