January 30th, 2011

[info]speed_twin in [info]x_2012

Who: Quicksilver OTA
What: Pietro is restless
When: Sunday morning
Where: Omega base
Warnings: None so far

Woe to anyone who crossed his path. )

[info]greyed_out in [info]x_2012

Who: Phoenix OTA
What: Jean is struggling to come to terms with 'things'
When: Sunday morning
Where: Haven Rec Room

In the immortal words of Robert Frost, two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and Jean was struggling to decide which path to take. )
Tags: ,

[info]elixir_of_life in [info]x_2012

Who: Elixir OT Scarlett Witch
What: Lunch and talking
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Mutant Town probably
Warnings: Maybe language?

The first order of business he'd accomplished very well: sleep in. )

[info]destiny_x in [info]x_2012

Who: Destiny (OT Mystique if she wants)
What: Dreaming
When: Sunday night
Where: Omega base

