May. 1st, 2011


Halloween Eve but all's not well

Who:Elena and Damon (there's always room for Stefan!)
What: tbd
When: Halloween night
Where: Fell's Church cemetery
Status/Rating:incomplete/tbd - (depends on how naughty we feel :)

Don't know that I will
But until I can find me
The girl who'll stay
And won't play games behind me
I'll be what I am
A solitary man )

Apr. 4th, 2011


Magical Mystery Invitation Across the Fandoms

Released to the wilds of the vast universes throughout time and dimensions, the invitations to the party are part Time Lord psychic paper tech and part good old magic. They don't have to appear in traditional guise, though they might be a colourful card or banner, a flying paper plane or possibly a delicate origami crane. These invites could be text via your cell or the phone itself, a surprise playback from a CD or DVD, part of a painting you've not noticed at the museum, the towel of a Hitchhiker or new info on his Guide, or anything at all relating to the invitee's own time and place in the scheme of everything that ever was, will be, is.

Dear Recipient )

((OOC: Everyone is welcome to start their own subthread here. If anything occurs which a lot of people might notice, like the Weasley twins setting off fireworks lol, I'll be sure to point that out in the OOC comm. This doesn't mean the twins have to appear but they make such a good example of how to attract a lot of attention!))

Mar. 14th, 2011


Brothers and Other Strangers -

Who: Stefan and Damon and Katherine (oh my!)
What: talking, sniping, maybe arguing, what Katherine will do is anyone's guess lol
When: Tonight
Where: the Salvatore home

It's quick, it's clean, and it's pure* )