World In Her Hands
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June 2012
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Back May 12th, 2008 Forward

Well, who would have known all that pain and lack of caffeine would pay off so well?

I'm joking, I'm joking. But thank you all, truly. You made me cry a little, Mijo.

And you, Gregory. If I wear this on a day to day basis my finger will fall off! But I do love it.

Almost two days out. We got to go home late (ish) Saturday night, and it's been a whirlwind since, but it's fun now. I think everyone's had a visit with the girls thus far or have one scheduled, and we have a couple days before any more visits to rest up and spend some time with them, which is. . nice.

Aubrey's favorite thing to do so far is sleep. And Mark's like a sleeping pill for her, the minute he picks her up, she's out. And he's stuck with her until she wakes up or we both pay for moving her (we've learned). Audra's the eater, but she's still the smaller so she's probably trying to catch up.

They are absolutely perfect- and I'm not just being cocky.

Sam )

Back May 12th, 2008 Forward