January 18th, 2013

[info]princess_opal in [info]woods_ooc


Okay, so to get the plottage going, I'll start.

Hi! I'm Kate! Some of you may know me from such things at Vampire Babies, Lemon Ladies, or Name that God. Anyhoo...

Quick intro to my critters here.

I have Princess Winnifred Regina Maria Susanna Elissa Matilda Victoria Josephine Bunny Charlotte Elizabeth Penelope Anne IV, aka Fred ([info]whinny_fred). Fred is from the Princess and the Pea. She's mildly plump and not at all interested in princessy things like dancing the gavotte or embroidering tapestries. She'd much rather be building a stomping machine that could help the wineries in her kingdom produce wine faster, but the last time she tried it she may or may not have caused a minor earthquake. She's... quirky. But very engagable and ready to play with just about anybody. Except her mother-in-law.

I have Prince Felix Charming, aka Mr. Cinderella ([info]charmed_prince). He's... well bluntly, he's a bit of a whiny ass. He feels quite put upon with all the demands and restrictions and requirements and responsibilities of being a prince, let alone a husband. He'd much rather be out hunting and playing than doing whatever it is his parents have decided he should do this week. He's got a good deal of growing up to do, but under it all, he does have a good and generous heart. It just might take some prodding to get him to show it.

And I have Princess Opal, from Diamonds and Toads ([info]princess_opal). Opal was not born a princess, and frankly has no real idea how to be one. She makes terrible social gaffes all the time because she doesn't understand the protocol, and because she's just a wee bit on the dim side. She's not stupid, it just takes her a while to catch on to what's going on around her. But she's very sweet, very generous, and very kind, sometimes to her own detriment. She also has a bit of an affliction: any time she speaks, a gemstone or flower falls from her mouth with each word uttered. Needless to say, it's not the blessing that some others may think it is, and Opal has learned how to keep from speaking if at all possible. She should be fun to play with if only to see if you can get her to talk.

Would anybody like to play with any of my little fairy tale critters?

[info]asfastasican in [info]woods_ooc

Alright, following Kate's lead...

I'm Dawn. To some of you I'm that bossy older sibling, to some I'm that bossy friend, to all of you I am incredibly awesome. :P j/k

Alright, so I currently have three here and I'll give you a quick rundown.

First, there is King Charles ([info]thrushbeard) who is the former-prince-now-king in the Thrushbeard tale. No, that's not really his name... Thrushbeard, I mean. But, the haughty princess that is now his wife called him that once and while it made him terribly self-conscious (dude's good a funny looking chin under that beard, which is why he wears the beard in the first place... though it's far less Grizzly Adams now than it was in the tale) at the time, he loved her enough (love a first sight, yo) to teach Miss Haughypants some humility. Now, he totally owns that formerly insulting moniker. Read his bio, read his tale, he's seriously awesome. He's exceedingly kind unless he is facing arrogance, a bit of a trickster, ace at disguises, tends to dress as a peasant to hang out with peasants (again, disguises) and loves his currently nameless wife/Queen completely.

Then, we have Rowan ([info]cloakednscarlet), aka Little Red Riding Hood. She is incredibly sweet, albeit naive. Very naive. Even with everything she's been through, she tends to blind herself to any fault and only sees the good or the potential for good in everyone and everything. She probably about 14 or 15 when the the hunter carved her and her grandmother free from the wolf's belly (Barleby, she's not sorry about that. Girl's got to live.) She's about 18ish now. Now taking her young age and her naivete into consideration, she has developed a rather ill-placed obsessive crush on the hunter that saved her. She still looks for him to this day. Not that she'd have a clue what to do with him if she did find him, but there we have it.

Finally, showing in this journal, is Gin ([info]asfastasican)... the Gingerbread Man. He is my favorite, but that might have something to do with the fact that when I was little I had the early 1980s version of this on vinyl 45 record that came with a book and I learned to read with it. I played that thing to death. I think if my mom never hears, "Run, run, as fast as I can. You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man" ever again, it will be too soon. Gin is... nice... persay. He doesn't trust anyone, but not in a constantly cowering way. More in that he'll lie to you while looking you straight in the eye, swipes your coin purse and maybe that apple you had in the bag slung over your shoulder before patting you on the back and sending you on your way none the wiser. So very few know his true name that he doesn't even remember who does at this point. He tends to make up names to give people as the situation calls for it. He's a crafty little thief and he lives in a house, in the trees, in the woods. He's a coward that would rather run far away than fight. Also, if panicked, he turns into a anthropomorphic cookie.

Yes. A cookie. I'm not even joking.

Anyways, they are all awesome and fun and I can pretty much figure out a way to make anything work if there is anything you can plot up. Share your ideas with me!

[info]big_bad_wolf in [info]woods_ooc

Meet the Bad Boys

I can do this too!

I’m Cary. I’m the quiet one. But I’m cute, so it’s okay.

My boys say they need no introductions (one of them says that, the other isn’t sure what that is), but here they are anyway.

Captain James Matthew Crighton, AKA Captain Hook [info]good_form. He is a pirate, obviously. But a very well mannered pirate. He has a soft spot for women, especially the motherly type. He is very charming and is always using people to get what he needs. He’s not sure what he exactly needs right now, but he’s confident that it involves large sums of money and making friends in high places.

And this sweet boy is Bartleby Wolfe, formerly known as the Big Bad Wolf. Bartleby was transformed into a human after some hunter and little girl (glares at Rowen, he was just trying to survive too) put rocks in his stomach and left him to die. He can change back into a wolf, but it is a long painful process that he prefers to avoid. All of that is in his bio. Right now, Bartleby is wandering around, trying to learn all he can about humans and how they think. He's not really a bad boy, but he does have a bad rep as a wolf.

So the boys would love to play.