March 31st, 2009

[info]modmother in [info]woods_ooc


So, officially, we have reopened. We've received an application from a new player and most of you have expressed interest in continuing onward. Just a heads up that the mods have made two temporary changes to the rules.

1. We will not be enforcing activity checks for the time being. We understand that we currently have a small player/character base and that makes plotting consistently difficult. We'll make sure that if this changes to give everyone plenty of notice.

2. The character limit will stay at 5, but the rule restricting members to three initial characters, then waiting three months before the other two, has been temporarily lifted in hopes of drawing in new players and characters.

As always, if there are any concerns regarding the rules, faq or any other aspect of the game, the mods can be reached via email or IM to discuss it.

In the meanwhile, we'd like to see some plot going, so we're opening up the comments for plot ideas. If you have any, feel free to post them here.